The old specification for version 1.0 ist available in another document: LML 1.0, however, in version 2.0 new features and additions are indicated with (v2), others are already available in version 1.0 as well.
- poetry (container for poetic content)
- poem (poetry work)
- lyrics (word content of a song)
- st (strophe, stanza)
- sl (strophe line or verse line of poetic text, basic poetry structure)
- sm (music or melody stave for one strophe line (v2))
- dialogue (poetic conversation)
- directive (stage directives in dialogue)
- sp (speaker, speaking person in a dialogue)
- caesura (break, small pause in verse line (v2))
- enjambement (indicator for discrepancy between content and line structure of a poem (v2))
- prosa (container for prose)
- address (container for contact information)
- beq (block equation)
- bibliography (references to other works)
- caption (caption of a table or figure or block equation)
- conversation (conversation fragment for example in an interview or a stage play)
- faq (container for frequently asked questions (v2))
- faqg (container for frequently asked questions group (v2))
- faqq (container for question within frequently asked questions group (v2))
- faqa (container for answer within frequently asked questions group (v2))
- fig (figure, image, graphics with possible caption)
- form (container for a form)
- l (line of text)
- list (list):
attribute: ltype (type of list)
; values: uo
| oi
| od
| df
| law
| bill
| recipe
| shop
| none
| project
| contact
| label
| al
| ac
| as
- li (list item)
- lt (list topic)
- lg (list group)
- listoffigures (listing of figures in a work, not necessarily really a list (v2))
- listoftables (listing of tables in a work, not necessarily really a list (v2))
- tableofcontents (list/table of contents (v2))
- p (paragraph)
- registry (registry of items discussed in a work (v2))
- sources (source references of a work or parts of it (v2))
- table (tabular data):
attribute: ttype (type of table)
; values: bill
| calendar
| comparison
| contact
| group
| label
| lookup
| matrix
| none
| recipe
| scheduler
| shop
| statistics
| timetable
- tr (table row)
- td (table data cell)
- th (table header cell)
- thead (table head)
- (table foot)
- tbody (table body)
- colgroup (table column group)
- col (table column)
- task (container for a task within a documentation or tutorial (v2))
- taskq (container for a task question (v2))
- taskb (container for task prerequisites (v2))
- taska (container for a task answer (v2))
- tasks (container for a task answer step (v2))
- taskc (container for a task answer choice (v2))
- taskr (container for a task answer step result (v2))
- taskp (container for task postrequisites (v2))
- taskt (container for a task troubleshoting (v2))
- code (inline fragments from programs, scripts, markup language and similar text types)
- bc (block code fragment)
- ap (attribute or property)
- el (element)
- ob (object)
- op (operator (v2))
- var (name of a variable)
- m (name of a matrix)
- n (name of a number variable, scalar)
- t (name of a tensor)
- v (name of a vector)
- val (value of a variable, parameter, attribute or property)
- u (unit)
- pv (predicted, expected value (v2))
- mv (measured value (v2))
- un (uncertainty of a measured value (v2))
Elements for General Use
- literature (root element, container for literature):
attribute: version (LML version indication)
; values: 1.0
| 2.0
- abstract (summary, typically at the top of an article or report)
- ackno (acknowledgements)
- act (act of a stage play or drama)
- acting (list of characters of a stage play or drama)
- affiliation (a persons present or past affiliation with others (v2))
- afterword (backmatter, explains for example different editions or changes in the work, in general comments about the work (v2))
- allonge (allonge, huge map, table, graphics accessible with scrolling (v2))
- annotation (marginalia, notices, comments about a work or parts of it (v2))
- appendix (supplemental information at the end of a work)
- artikel (article of a collection of works from different authors (v2))
- aside (secondary or supplementary content (v2))
- autograph (autograph, manuscript (v2))
- bastard (half-title, bastard-title of a book (v2))
- biernagel (biernagel decorative issue for first and last document (v2))
- binding (book binding, book mirror (v2))
- blurb (blurb, teaser, jacket text for a work (v2))
- bq (block of quoted text)
- chapter (larger part of a work)
- schapter (subchapter, larger part of a chapter (v2))
- co (component, fragment of a jammed together work)
- colophon (colophon, metadata about work and author, production notes at the end of a book (v2))
- (comment about another text fragment, typically from another person than the author)
- concept (concept, required background knowledge for the following content (v2))
- conclusion (conclusion or summary, typically at the end of a work)
- cover (container for a cover, graphics or raster image (v2))
- dedication (dedication, devotement of the work to some other person or organisation)
- discussion (container for comments about another text fragment (v2))
- doublure (container for decorative front matter of a work or book (v2))
- epigraph (specific type of quotation or inscription at the beginning of a work)
- epilog (epilog(ue) or afterword)
- errata (errata, corrigenda, list of known corrections for a work (v2))
- explicit (the end of a work, final statement (v2))
- extroduction (extro, opposite of introduction, final statement (v2))
- foreword (frontmatter, explains for example different editions or changes in a work, in general comments about a work (v2))
- frontboard (container for a decorative frontboard of a book (v2))
- backboard (container for a decorative backboard of a book (v2))
- frontispiece (frontmatter, some initial graphical representation, decorative illustration (v2))
- g (group)
- glossary (section containing definitions and explanations of specific phrases of a work)
- glossterm (term to be defined in a glossary (v2))
- glossdef (term definition in a glossary (v2))
- h (heading or title of a chapter or section)
- hs (subheading or subtitle of a chapter or section)
- help (helping text)
- (stereotype frontmatter of a document, chapter or section)
- (stereotype backmatter of a document, chapter or section)
- incipit (the beginning of a work, initial statement (v2))
- inscription (a specific type of quotation, phrase, poem as supplemental meta content about a work (v2))
- introduction (frontmatter, purpose and goals of a work (v2))
- logo (identifiable, characteristic (graphical) representation of an entity or idea)
- metadata (metadata, colophon about the work, directly to be presented (v2))
- opener (general container to collect all frontmatter (v2))
- closer (general container to collect all backmatter (v2))
- postscriptum (some additional statement behind the end of a work, often used in letters (v2))
- preamble (introductory and expressionary statement in a document about purpose and underlying philosophy of a work (v2))
- preface (frontmatter, explains motivation, reason to write the work, origins of the idea)
- preliminaries (preliminaries of a work with information about contributors, credits, preface (v2))
- prolog (frontmatter, prolog(ue), background of a story, content of a work, not part of a work itself (v2))
- s (section, larger part of a work, section of a chapter)
- salute (some introductory greeting (v2))
- scene (scene of an stage play or drama)
- spine (representation of a book spine (v2))
- signature (signature at the end of a related block element, containing a signature as texts or as graphics (v2))
- trailer (container for information or description, heading like at the end of a section (v2))
- vacat (container for an intentionally empty fragment (v2))
- warning (container for a warning exposed to the audience (v2))
- werk (container for a complete work of a collection of a single author (v2))
- a (anchor for document fragment)
- abbr (abbreviation or shortcut)
- acronym (word made from key letters of a group of words, spoken as a word, not as a group of
- init (initialism)
- syla (syllabic abbreviation or shortcut of a word)
- trunc (truncation (v2))
- allegory (allegory, parable, simile)
- me (metaphor)
- arch (archaic phrase (v2))
- dp (dialect, idiom, slang phrase (v2))
- fp (foreign phrase)
- tp (technical phrase (v2))
- br (line break)
- contradiction (intentional construction of a contradiction)
- d (dot, inline separator)
- del (deleted fragment)
- ins (inserted fragment)
- deco (decorative fragment)
- ds (direct speech, not a quotation (v2))
- em (emphasised content)
- strong (strong emphasised content)
- de (deemphasised or understated content (v2))
- weak (a strongly understated passage of content (v2))
- eq (equation)
- gloss (gloss expression explained in a glossary (v2))
- hypothesis (hypothesis, presumption or assertion to be examined in a text)
- lie (intentional construction of a lie exposed to the audience)
- link (reference or embed resources using XLink):
attribute: xlink:href (referenced URI)
attribute: xlink:type (type of a hyperlink)
; value: simple
attribute: xlink:title (a title for the arc of a hyperlink)
attribute: xlink:show (how a hyperlink is presented)
attribute: xlink:actuate (load condition for referenced content of a hyperlink)
attribute: xlink:role (indication of the role of the hyperlink target)
attribute: xlink:arcrole (indication of the role of the hyperlink)
attribute: type (content type, media type)
attribute: rlang (reference language)
attribute: hint (relation hint about external content)
attribute: viewport (width and height of a viewport for embedded content (v2))
- name (name of a person, location, organisation or product)
- forename (forename of a person (v2))
- surname (surname of a person (v2))
- naname (academic title, social title or title of nobility of a person (v2))
- street (indication a street within an address (v2))
- addrcode (indication an address code within an address (v2))
- country (indication a country within an address (v2))
- email (container for an email-address (v2))
- phone (container for a (tele)phone contact (v2))
- fax (container for a (tele)fax contact (v2))
- homepage (container for a reference to a home page of a person (v2))
- neo (neologism)
- ph (generic phrase)
- q (quotation)
- ruby (ruby notation)
- rbc (ruby base container)
- rtc (ruby text container)
- rb (ruby base element)
- rt (ruby text element):
attribute: rbspan (ruby grouping)
- rp (ruby parentheses)
- samp (sample)
- sen (sentence)
- socalled (phrase the for which the author or narrator indicates a disclaiming of responsibility (v2))
- sub (subscript)
- sup (superscript)
- time (time interval or period)
- timec (current time)
- meta (container for metadata)
- title (title of a complete piece of literature)
- desc (description)
- cite (resource of a quotation)
- created (creation dates or time intervals)
- createdh (creation dates or time intervals, historical notation (v2))
- creator (author or editor):
attribute: type (type of contribution or relation (v2))
; values: aut
| art
| adp
| ann
| arr
| asn
| aqt
| aft
| aud
| aui
| ant
| bjd
| bkp
| ccp
| clb
| cll
| cmm
| cns
| col
| com
| crr
| cur
| cwt
| dis
| dsr
| dte
| dto
| dub
| edc
| edt
| exp
| fac
| frg
| ill
| ivr
| lel
| lil
| lyr
| mrk
| mdc
| mus
| nrt
| oth
| pbl
| pfr
| pht
| prt
| pro
| pub
| red
| res
| rev
| spn
| ths
| trc
| trl
| wit
- contributor (contributor for the related work)
- bibcite (bibliographic citation of the work (v2))
- conformsto (version information about host language or embedded foreign fragments (v2))
- coverage (coverage of the work (v2))
- covspatial (spatial coverage of the work (v2))
- covtime (temporal coverage of the work (v2))
- covtimeh (temporal coverage of the work, historical notation (v2))
- distributor (distributor of the work (v2))
- editor (editor of the work (v2))
- editions (previous editions of a work or document (v2))
- variants (other variants of a work or document (v2))
- genre (genre)
- identifier (unique identifier for a work)
- impressum (contact information, imprint)
- imprint (contact information, imprint, alias for impressum (v2))
- index (index or table of contents):
attribute: cu (hide link to current document)
; values: _show
| _hide
| _unlink
- interpretation ((subjective) interpretation (v2))
- keywords (keywords, subjects of a work)
- license (information about license, copyright)
- ll (list of links to metadata targets)
- lm (list of other metadata)
- (project navigation)
- no (not directly presented content)
- note (side note, annotation, gloss, marginal note, incidental remark)
- pid (project fragment identifier)
- phon (phonetics or pronunciation)
- published (date of publication)
- publishedh (date of publication, historical notation (v2))
- publisher (responsible persons for the current publication)
- rel (relation)
- rev (reverse relation)
- related (related works (v2))
- relown (works from the same authors (v2))
- release (release or publication data)
- rhyme (rhyme scheme of poetry content (v2))
- metric (metrical structure of poetry content (v2))
- role (role of the element for the context)
- roles (roles indication in host languages)
- source (source of a work (v2))
- split (split content (v2))
- tip (help, tool tip)
- tune (tune, mood, temper, atmosphere or spirit)
- version (version of the current fragment)
- bug (bug (v2))
- corr (correction (v2))
- gap (gap (v2))
- obliterate (obliterate fragment (v2))
- orig (normalised of modernised phrase (v2))
- reg ( regulated phrase (v2))
- sic ( obviously wrong, uncorrected phrase (v2))
- switch (container for the alternatives):
attribute: how (method of conditional processing)
attribute: langc (applicable system language)
attribute: typec (required media types)
attribute: elc (required elements)
attribute: namespacec (required namespaces (v2))
attribute: modulec (required modules or features (v2))