Examples and Tests for SVG Animation

Animation Elements and Attributes for timing

In the chapter 'Animatable Attributes and Properties' we used simple animation for any attributes, now we animate more or less simple shapes in a more sophisticated way and with special attributes for animation.


Timing Accuracy and Model

First we can check the timing itself. Normally for timing the user-agent should use the local oscillator of the computer, the uncertainty of these oscillators should be below one second per day (1/86400). This should be accurate enough for many applications. But if the user-agent has another source for timing or one thinks, it does something nasty, the following tests may be useful. If it is once known, that the timing of a simple animation is correct, it is easy to compare this to other animations directly.
It is important to know something about measurement errors and the own reaction time, to evaluate the result of the timing test offered here.

e2006-01-29-01: §P
simple test of the timing:
A simple from to animation from far away left to far away right for a circle starts after 3s, the duration dur is given with an external parameter in seconds in the URI (the value is written bottom left, default is 100s, use another one, if you like). The scale shows the deviation from the dur - testers have to compare this to their local oscillator. Uncertainty of this measurement can be estimated to be about 1s, therefore a test with a dur of 100s is ok within the uncertainty of measurement, if the center of the circle is in the given 1% range. With magnification the scale around zero goes down to 1/10000, therefore it should be possible to determine deviations around 1/50000, typical uncertainties of a local oscillator should be below 1/100000. Uncertainties in this range are not significant anymore, if the tester uses his (radio controlled) wristwatch to compare with the oscillator of his computer, which should be used by the user-agent.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1ok -
WebKit 528.16fail zoom corrupts display
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2006-01-29-02: §PI
test of the timing:
A simple from to animation from far away left to far away right for a circle starts with a click on the green rectangle and stops with a click on the magenta ellipse, the duration dur is given with an external parameter in seconds in the URI (the value is written bottom left, default is 100s, use another one, if you like). To test almost any time within the linear animation another parameter frac can be used, this is larger than 0 and smaller than 1, default is 0.5. The scale shows the deviation from the dur - testers have to compare this to their local oscillator. Uncertainty of this measurement can be estimated to be about 0.2s, therefore a test with a dur of 100s is ok within the uncertainty of measurement, if the center of the circle is in the given 0.2% range. With magnification the scale around zero goes down to 1/50000, therefore it should be possible to determine deviations around 1/200000, typical uncertainties of a local oscillator should be below 1/100000. Uncertainties in this range are not significant anymore, if the tester uses his (radio controlled) wristwatch to compare with the oscillator of his computer, which should be used by the user-agent.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail not testable, ignores start and stop interaction
WebKit 528.16fail circle vanishes after stop
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail stopped value not frozen
Opera8.02/50fail not testable, crashes with stop (and ignores it)
Opera9tp1fail stop ignored
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Opera9 beta1/2fail not testable, start ignored
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0ok -
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail no interactivity

e2007-05-08-01: §M(1)P
timing and accuracy 1:
timing and accuracy 2:
timing and accuracy 3:
timing and accuracy 4:
timing and accuracy 5:
A simple animation is used to test accurate rendering and timing. SVG tiny requires a rendering accuracy within one device pixel and a number range between -32767.9999 and +32767.9999 for the data type number.
A simple from-to animation of cx of a blue circle with a duration of 32000ms (32s) is used with a from value of 0 and a to value of 32000. The animation ends with an end attribute with a value in this range. With a transform attribute for a g element the end value is centered in the document.
Only the frozen final value is target of the test, it is not expected to see a high precision continuous animation. The correct frozen position is indicated with a dark red circle, The fill of the dark red circle is set to red at the end time. For an additional circle of the same group the fill is set from dark gray to light red, covering the red circle, if cx and transform is correct, while this is covered by the blue circle.
This means, all circles have to be rendered within an accuracy within one device pixel. The animated blue circle has to cover the red circles within an accuracy of less than one pixel. If more than such a residual of red is visible or the circles are not rendered as circles, an error is occurred.
To get the highest accuracy for the test, the size of the document and therefore the viewport in the viewer has to be as large as possible.
The test has three optional GET-parameters, one is the radius of the circles (rad) within the range from 0.0001 to 10 and the end position and time of the animation (pos) within the range from 1 to 32000 pixel respectively ms. The fraction of rad and pos cannot have more than 4 digits.
The third parameter is a scaling correction factor (sc between 0.0001 and 3). This is useful just to increase accuracy (sc above 1) or to decrease accuracy (sc below 1) only to analyse errors (larger deviations), if the blue circle is not displayed in the viewport when the light blue circle turned red, respecitively the gray red.
timing and accuracy 6:
Similar test as the previous, but now it moves in x-direction with the parameter posx and in y-direction it starts with a large value and decreases with the value posy.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail end ignored
WebKit 528.16fail accuracy and display problem
Adobefail accuracy problem for rendering and timing
Squiggle 1.7fail accuracy problem for rendering and timing
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail accuracy problem for rendering and timing
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail accuracy and display problem

e2007-05-17-01: §M(1)P
timing and accuracy 1:
timing and accuracy 2:
timing and accuracy 3:
timing and accuracy 4:
timing and accuracy 5:
timing and accuracy 6:
Two simple animateTransform are used to test accurate rendering and timing. SVG tiny requires a rendering accuracy within one device pixel and a number range between -32767.9999 and +32767.9999 for the data type number.
A blue circle is far outside of the rendered area but inside the allowed number range (distance 32000). This is rotated with a duration of 32767.9999ms starting with -32767.9999 degree and ending with a positive value either of random choice or given with the GET-parameter 'phi'. A parent g element is rotated in the opposite direction and a simple values animateTransform of the translation type is applied to another parent g element in such a way, that the circle is centered always at the rotation center.
Therefore the circle does not move and covers always an underlying red stroked circle completely within an accuracy below one device pixel. If more than such a residual of red is visible or the circles are not rendered as circles, an error is occurred.
To get the highest accuracy for the test, the size of the document and therefore the viewport in the viewer has to be as large as possible. The blue circle is switched to gray if the test animation is finished.
The test has five optional GET-parameters, one is the radius of the circles (rad) within the range from 0.0001 to 1000 and the end angle of the animation (phi) within the range from -32400 to 32400 degree. The fraction of rad and phi cannot have more than 4 digits. The third parameter is a scaling factor (sc integer between 2 and 20) for the viewBox relative to the radius of the circle. This is useful only to analyse errors (larger deviations), if the blue circle is not displayed in the viewport. The last two parameters cx and cy are the position of the circle, both in the range -32710 to -32710 with not more than 4 digits for the fractional part.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail no animation
WebKit 528.16fail no display of blue circle
Adobefail accuracy problem for rendering and timing
Squiggle 1.7fail no animation, wrong error messages
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail accuracy problem for rendering and for some versions for timing too
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0fail accuracy problem for timing
Gecko 12.0ok -
Gecko 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail display problem

e2007-05-17-02: §M(1)P
timing and accuracy 1:
timing and accuracy 2:
timing and accuracy 3:
timing and accuracy 4:
timing and accuracy 5:
animate for path data, animateTransform translate and animateMotion are used to test accurate rendering and timing. SVG tiny requires a rendering accuracy within one device pixel and a number range between -32767.9999 and +32767.9999 for the data type number.
A blue stroked triangle with stroke-linejoin="round" is animated with a duration of 32767.9999ms using animate for path data, animateTransform and animateMotion in such a way, that in the superposition of all three animations no visible change gets visible.
Therefore the triangle does not move and covers always an underlying red stroked triangle completely within an accuracy below one device pixel. If more than such a residual of red is visible, an error is occurred. To get the highest accuracy for the test, the size of the document and therefore the viewport in the viewer has to be as large as possible. The blue triangle is switched to gray if the test animation is finished.
The test has two optional GET-parameters, one is the stroke-width of the triangles (width) within the range from 0.0001 to 500. The fraction of width cannot have more than 4 digits. The second parameter is a scaling factor for the viewBox (sc integer between 1 and 50) for the viewBox relative to the width. This is useful only to analyse errors (larger deviations), if the blue triangle is not displayed in the viewport.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation, incomplete rendering
KSVG1fail no animation, incomplete rendering
WebKit 528.16fail positioning and accuracy problem
Adobefail accuracy problem for timing
Squiggle 1.7fail no animation, wrong error messages
Opera8.02/50fail crash after a few seconds
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail accuracy problem for rendering and timing
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0fail accuracy problem for timing
Gecko 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail accuracy and display problem

SVG and SMIL have a well defined timing interval model. Time intervals are always in such a way defined, that the initial given point in time belongs to the interval and the final given point does not belong to the interval.

e2007-01-21-11: §M(1)P
time interval with begin and end:
In this example with
values="100; 900" keyTimes="0;0.5" dur="10s" begin="0s" end="5s" fill="freeze"
begin and end define a time interval, this means, the interval starts with included 0s and excluded 5s. Therefore the final presentation value is 100 and not 900. Note, that the keyTimes are the same as calculated automatically without using keyTimes.
The cx of a circle is animated discrete from left to right with some values and keyTimes and a duration of 10s, but an end already at 5s. This animation is superposed by a simple from to animation from top to bottom. The visible effect is a motion along the given gray path. If something red becomes visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail values ignored
WebKit 528.16fail wrong frozen value
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail wrong frozen value
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail wrong timing without keyTimes
Opera9tp1/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail wrong frozen value

e2007-01-21-12: §M(1)P
time interval with repeatDur:
In this example with
values="100; 900" keyTimes="0;0.5" dur="10s" repeatDur="5s" fill="freeze"
because repeatDur is 5s, the final value is 100 and not 900. The implicite given begin at 0s and the repeatDur give a time interval for the active duration with included begin and open end. Note, that the keyTimes are the same as calculated automatically without using keyTimes.
The cx of a circle is animated discrete from left to right with some values and keyTimes and a duration of 10s, but a repeatDur from only 5s. This animation is superposed by a simple from to animation from top to bottom. The visible effect is a motion along the given gray path. If something red becomes visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail values ignored
WebKit 528.16fail wrong frozen value
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail wrong frozen value
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail wrong timing without keyTimes
Opera9tp1/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail wrong frozen value

e2007-01-21-13: §M(1)P
time interval with max:
In this example with
values="100; 900" keyTimes="0;0.5" dur="10s" max="5s" fill="freeze"
because max is 5s, the final value is 100 and not 900. The implicite given begin at 0s and the max give a time interval for the active duration with included begin and open end. Note, that the keyTimes are the same as calculated automatically without using keyTimes.
The cx of a circle is animated discrete from left to right with some values and keyTimes and a duration of 10s, but a max of only 5s. This animation is superposed by a simple from to animation from top to bottom. The visible effect is a motion along the given gray path. If something red becomes visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail values ignored
WebKit 528.16fail wrong frozen value
Adobefail max ignored
Squiggle 1.7fail wrong frozen value
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail wrong timing (only without keyTimes for tp2 and later)
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail wrong frozen value

e2007-01-21-14: §M(1)P
time interval, end and animateMotion:
In this example with animateMotion and
path="M100 0L500 0M900 0 L500 0" dur="10s" end="5s" fill="freeze"
because end is 5s, the final value is 500 0 and not 900 0. The implicit given begin at 0s and the end give a time interval for the active duration with included begin and open end.
The cx of a circle is animated from left to right with animateMotion and a duration of 10s, but an end at 5s. This animation is superposed by a simple from to animation from top to bottom. The visible effect is a motion along the given gray path. If something red becomes visible, an is error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail no animateMotion
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok
Opera9tp1fail animateMotion confused
Gecko 2.0fail animateMotion confused
Gecko 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0ok -
Gecko 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail wrong frozen value

e2007-01-21-15: §M(1)P
time interval, repeatCount and animateMotion:
In this example with animateMotion and
path="M100 0L500 0M900 0 L500 0" dur="10s" repeatCount="0.5" fill="freeze"
because repeatCount is 0.5, the final value is 500 0 and not 900 0. The implicite given begin at 0s and the repeatCount give a time interval for the active duration with included begin and open end.
The cx of a circle is animated from left to right with animateMotion and a duration of 10s, but an repeatCount of 0.5. This animation is superposed by a simple from to animation from top to bottom. The visible effect is a motion along the given gray path. If something red becomes visible, an is error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail no animateMotion
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok
Opera9tp1fail animateMotion confused
Gecko 2.0fail animateMotion confused
Gecko 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0ok -
Gecko 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail wrong frozen value

e2007-01-21-16: §M(1)P
time interval, max and animateMotion:
In this example with animateMotion and
path="M100 0L500 0M900 0 L500 0" dur="10s" end="7.5s" max="5s" fill="freeze"
because max is 5s, the final value is 500 0 and not 900 0 or 700 0. The implicite given begin at 0s and the max give a time interval for the active duration with included begin and open end.
The cx of a circle is animated from left to right with animateMotion and a duration of 10s, an end at 7.5s, but a max at 5s. This animation is superposed by a simple from to animation from top to bottom. The visible effect is a motion along the given gray path. If something red becomes visible, an is error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail no animateMotion
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefail max ignored
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail max ignored
Opera9tp1fail animateMotion confused
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok
Gecko 2.0fail animateMotion confused
Gecko 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0ok -
Gecko 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail wrong frozen value

e2007-02-19-01: §M(1)P
time interval model and keyTimes:
The blue testcase has for a calcMode discrete the keyTimes 0;0.5;1 with the corresponding values 100; 500; 900. Because fill is remove, the last value is never applied. The animation is superposed with the simple top-down animation. This results in a motion along the gray path. If something red gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail no or wrong animation
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail wrong final value
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2007-02-19-02: §M(1)P
time interval model and keyTimes:
The blue testcase has for a calcMode discrete the keyTimes 0;0.5;1 for a duration of 10s with the corresponding values 100; 500; 900 and fill freeze.
According to the SMIL time interval modell this results in those intervals including the begin and excluding the end:
from 0s to 5s, from 5s to 10s and from 10s to 10s. The last interval is an empty or bad interval. Because the active duration is the same as the simple duration (applies too for the simple duration multiplied with a positive integer), a special rule for fill freeze has to be applied (see SMIL2.0/2.1 rules for fill). The last value in the values list (respectively the to value) hat to be used as the frozen value. Therefore the last value 900 has to be used as the frozen value.
The animation is superposed with the simple top-down animation. This results in a motion along the gray path. If something red gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail no or wrong animation
WebKit 528.16fail wrong frozen value
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail wrong final value for red comparison
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2007-02-19-03: §M(1)P
time interval model and keyTimes:
The blue testcase has for a calcMode discrete the keyTimes 0;0.5;1 for a duration of 4s with the corresponding values 20; 120; 220 and a repeatCount of 3 with additive and cumulative behaviour and fill freeze.
According to the SMIL time interval model this results in those intervals including the begin and excluding the end: from 0s to 2s, from 2s to 4s, from 4s to 6s, from 6s to 8s, from 8s to 10s, from 10s to 12s and from 12s to 12s. The last interval of the simple duration is an empty or bad interval.
Because the active duration is three times the simple duration, a special rule for fill freeze has to be applied (see SMIL animation recommendation and SMIL2.0/2.1 rules for fill). For all turns the value 220 corresponding to the keyTimes value 1 is not displayed itself but used in the cumulative animation as final value to be added to the next turn.
The last value in the values list (respectively the to value) has to be used as the frozen value. Because the animation is repeated, this value is cumulated too. Therefore the last value 220 * 3 +100 (additive!) = 760 has to be used as the frozen value.
The animation is superposed with the simple top-down animation. This results in a motion along the gray path. If something red gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail no or wrong animation
WebKit 528.16fail wrong timing, wrong frozen value
Adobefail wrong final value
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail wrong timing
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2007-02-19-04: §M(1)P
time interval model and keyTimes:
The blue testcase has for a calcMode discrete the keyTimes 0;0.5;1 for a duration of 4s with the corresponding values 0; 100; 200 and a repeatCount of 3 with additive and cumulative behaviour and fill freeze and a min of 14s.
According to the SMIL time interval model this results in those intervals including the begin and excluding the end:
from 0s to 2s, from 2s to 4s, from 4s to 6s, from 6s to 8s, from 8s to 10s, from 10s to 12s, from 12s to 12s and from 0 to 13s for time interval related to the min attribute. The interval from 12 to 12 is an empty or bad interval. Because the active duration is three times the simple duration, a special rule for fill freeze has to be applied (see SMIL animation recommendation and SMIL2.0/2.1 rules for fill).
For all turns the value 200 corresponding to the keyTimes value 1 is not displayed itself but used in the cumulative animation as final value to be added to the next turn.
Because the active duration is determined with the min attribute in this case and the simple duration of 4s cannot be multiplied with a positive integer to get the active duration of 14s, the last value 200 for the keyTimes value 1 is not applied. Therefore the last applied cumulative value 200 * 2 +100 +100 (additive!) = 600 has to be used as the frozen value.
The animation is superposed with the simple top-down animation. This results in a motion along the gray path. If something red gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail no or wrong animation
WebKit 528.16fail wrong timing, wrong frozen value
Adobefail wrong frozen value
Squiggle 1.7fail confused close to the end, but frozen value ok again
Opera8.02/50fail wrong timing, wrong frozen value
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail wrong frozen value
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail wrong frozen value

e2008-03-09-01: §M(1)P
time interval model, keyTimes and endEvent:
The discrete animation of cy of a circle with a duration of 10s ends with an endEvent of another not displayed animation 6s after the begin exactly on a keyTimes value. The SMIL timing model is end exclusive, and the endEvent itself is the moment in time where the interval ends, therefore the value does not switch anymore at this time similar to the behaviour with an offset value for end.
An animation of the cx gives the timing, the resulting motion is indicated by a grey path covering the red fill of the circle. If the circle does not move along the path or the red center gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail no values animation
WebKit 528.16fail endEvent ignored
Adobefail endEvent ignored
Squiggle 1.7fail wrong timing, wrong frozen value
Opera8.02/50fail no cy animation
Opera9tp1fail endEvent ignored, wrong frozen value
Opera9tp2fail browser frozen/crash
Opera9beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alphafail endEvent ignored, wrong frozen value
Opera9.50 beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail wrong timing, wrong frozen value
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail wrong frozen value

e2008-03-10-01: §P(I)
pathLength of a cubic path and timinig:
Testing accuracy of path interpretation using stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset and animateMotion.
A symmetrical cubic path stroked in dark blue is used for the test. Magenta is the painted curve fraction of 0.5 of the complete path. The end point of the painted fraction is painted yellow - this is the test point at the half path. Centered black concentrical circles test the accuracy of animateMotion stopped with different methods at the test point at the half path (after 1s of animation). A dark blue scale with yellow markers is aligned in such a way, that the yellow markers are between the different circles, respectively mark the positions of the stroke-dasharray fractional path.
Click the dark blue path to see the complete path, click the magenta path to see details around the test point.
The required accuracy of positioning has to be within one device pixel.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation, wrong display
KSVG1fail no animation
WebKit 528.16fail many display and timing problems
Adobefail missing min, max, keyPoints, minor accuracy problem
Squiggle 1.7fail error messages, incomplete animation
Opera8.02/50fail no animation
Opera9tp1fail incomplete, no zoom
Opera9tp2fail no discrete keyPoints
Opera9beta1/2failincomplete, no interactivity
Opera9.00/9.10fail no discrete keyPoints
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail accuracy not sufficient, no discrete keyPoints
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail missing min

e2008-03-10-02: §P
pathLength of a random cubic path and timinig:
Testing accuracy of path interpretation using stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset and animateMotion.
With the GET parameter 'area' the area of viewBox size is determined, default is 1000. Possible values are between 50 and 10000. The painted fraction of the random path can be determined with the GET parameter 'fraction', default is determined randomly, possible values are between 0 and 1.
A random cubic path stroked in dark blue is used for the test. Magenta is the painted curve fraction of the complete path. The end point of the painted fraction is painted yellow - this is the test point at the related length of the path fraction. Centered black concentrical circles test the accuracy of animateMotion stopped with different methods at the test point (after 1s of animation). A dark blue scale with yellow markers is aligned in such a way, that the yellow markers are between the different circles, respectively mark the positions of the stroke-dasharray fractional path (exception: a large curvature at the test point).
The required accuracy of positioning has to be within one device pixel.
After 5s the test point with the concentrical circles is magnified and centered.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation, wrong display
KSVG1fail no animation
WebKit 528.16fail many display and timing problems
Adobefail missing min, max, keyPoints, accuracy problem
Squiggle 1.7fail error messages, incomplete animation
Opera8.02/50fail no animation
Opera9tp1fail incomplete, no zoom
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail no discrete keyPoints
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail accuracy not sufficient, no discrete keyPoints
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail missing min, minor accuracy problem
Test results for Accuracy and Model
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 0/18 0/18
KSVG1 1/18 1/18
WebKit 528.16 4/18 4/18
Adobe 8/18 8/18
Squiggle 1.7 7/18 7/18
Opera8.02/50 3/18 3/18
Opera9tp1 6/18 6/18
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10 8/18 8/18
Opera9 beta1/2 7/18 7/18
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00 11/18 11/18
Gecko 2.0 5/18 5/18
Gecko 8.0/ 12.0 8/18 8/18
Gecko 24.0 7/18 7/18
Gecko 36.0/ 48.0 4/18 4/18
Gecko 60.0 5/18 5/18


e2005-09-03-01: §Q
Types of dur values:
For five circles the colour is animated from yellow to blue within 39.6s independently.
The dur values are:
39.6s, 39600ms, 39.6, 0.66min, 0.011h

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51fail a fast animation before the 39.6s?
Amaya11.3.1fail not frozen
KSVG1fail instable, animation not reproducible
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

The dur values in this example are SVG1.1, but in parts not SVG tiny -
e2005-09-03-02: §Q
Types of dur values:
For five circles the colour is animated from yellow to blue within 61.5s independently.
The dur values are:
00:01:01.5, 01:01.5, 61.5, 61.5s, 1.025min

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail a fast animation before the 61.5s?
KSVG1fail instable, animation not reproducible
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-03-03: §M(1)Q
indefinite dur:
The dur of an animation is set to indefinite.
The colour of the circle will not change.
Everything but a blue circle is wrong.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 ok -
KSVG1 ok -
WebKit 528.16fail confused by end?
Adobefail completely confused - turns to black, but the only given colours are yellow and blue
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0 ok -

e2005-09-03-04: §Q
indefinite dur and begin:
The dur of a set animation is set to indefinite. The colour of the circle will change after 3s because of the value of the begin attribute.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 ok -
KSVG1 ok -
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0 ok -

e2005-09-03-05: §Q
dur and begin:
The dur of a set animation is set to 3s. The colour of the circle will change for 3s after 3s to blue because of the value of the begin attribute and the fill attribute.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 fail no animation
KSVG1 fail Does not switch back to yellow after a duration of 3s.
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0 ok -
Test results for dur
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 2/4 2/5
KSVG1 2/4 2/5
WebKit 528.16 3/4 4/5
Adobe 3/4 4/5
Squiggle 1.7 4/4 5/5
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00 4/4 5/5
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0 3/4 3/5



e2005-09-03-07: §Q
offset value of begin:
The begin of an animation is set to 5s, the dur value is 10s. The animation of the colour of a circle goes from black to white.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 ok -
KSVG1 ok -
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-03-08: §Q
semicolon separated list of begin values:
The begin is a semicolon separated list in steps of 3s from 0s to 15s for a 3s animation of the colour of a circle.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail just one begin, the others are ignored.
KSVG1 fail No animation.
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail just one begin, the others are ignored.
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-03-09: §M(2)P
negative value of begin:
The begin of an animation is set to -5s, the dur value is 10s. The animation of the color of a circle goes from dark blue to light blue, but because of the negative start value the visible effect starts with gray blue. stroke shows the same animateColor. If something red becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51fail wrong animation
Amaya11.3.1(ok) minor problems at the beginning
KSVG1 fail Starts with black, not with gray.
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefail No animation.
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor
Test results for begin offset-value
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51 1/3 1/3
Amaya11.3.1 2/3 2/3
KSVG1 1/3 1/3
WebKit 528.16 3/3 3/3
Adobe 2/3 2/3
Squiggle 1.7 3/3 3/3
Opera8.02/50 2/3 2/3
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00 3/3 3/3
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0 0/3 0/3


e2005-09-03-11: §M(3)P
syncbase-value of begin:
The colour animation of the bottom circle starts, when the animation of the top ends. The colour animation of the top circle animation starts at 0s. All dur values are 3s. The stroke has the same animateColor with a simple offset for begin.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail wrong animation
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-03-12: §M(3)P
syncbase-value of begin:
syncbase-values are tested for the begin attribute. The colour animation of the right circle starts, when the animation of the left ends. The colour animation of the left circle animation starts at 0s. The animation of the bottom circle starts, when the animation of the right circle begins. All dur values are 3s. The stroke have the same animateColor with simple offsets for begin.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail wrong animation
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-03-13: §M(3)P
syncbase-value of begin + clock value:
The colour animation of the bottom circle starts 3s after the animation of the top ends. The colour animation of the top circle animation starts at 0s. All dur values are 3s. The stroke has the same animateColor with a simple offset for begin.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail wrong animation
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-03-14: §M(3)P
syncbase-value of begin - clock value:
syncbase-values are tested for the begin attribute. The colour animation of the bottom circle starts 2s before the animation of the top ends. The colour animation of the top circle animation starts at 0s. All dur values are 5s. The strokes have the same animateColor with simple offsets for begin.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail wrong animation
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefail bottom circle is not animated
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail confused - wild colour oscillations of the bottom circle
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-03-15: §M(3)P
syncbase-value of begin - clock value:
syncbase-values are tested for the begin attribute. The colour animation of the right circle starts, when the animation of the left ends. The colour animation of the left circle animation starts at 0s. The animation of the bottom circles starts 2s before the animation of the right circle begins. All dur values are 5s. The strokes have the same animateColor with simple offsets for begin.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail wrong animation
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefail bottom circle is not animated
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail confused - wild colour oscillations of the bottom circle
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-03-16: §M(3)P
syncbase-value of begin:
syncbase-values are tested for the begin attribute. The colour animation of the top circles start, when the animation of the bottom ends. The colour animation of the bottom circle animation starts at 0s. The animation of the bottom circles starts two animations. All dur values are 5s. The strokes have the same animateColor with simple offsets for begin.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail wrong animation
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-03-17: §M(3)P
syncbase-value of begin:
syncbase-values are tested for the begin attribute. Two animations target the same attribute of the same element. One starts at 0s and the duration is 20s (dark to blue). The second starts at 5s and the duration is 5s (light blue to blue). The later animation has higher priority, because the begin value is larger. Under the given conditions it overrides the first animation. When the second animation is finished, the first is visible again, because the animation fill attribute is remove for the second one. The stroke has for comparison three animateColor animations with the same visible effect.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail wrong animation
KSVG1 fail no second animation
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-03-18: §M(3)P
syncbase-value of begin:
syncbase-values are tested for the begin attribute. Two set animations target the same attribute of the same element. One sets the colour to blue at 5s. The second sets the colour to light blue at 10s and has a duration of 5s. The later animation has higher priority, because the begin value is larger. Under the given conditions it overrides the first animation. When the second animation is finished, the first is visible again, because the animation fill attribute is remove for the second one.
Initial value is gray, first set is blue after 5s, second set is light blue at 10s for 5s. Final value is blue again. The stroke has for comparison three set animations with the same visible effect.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail wrong animation
KSVG1 fail does not switch back from yellow to blue
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail no second animation
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2007-01-20-01: §M(1)P
interval before document begin as syncbase-value:
The color of the large blue circle is set to red with the syncbase-value end for the animation of the small blue circle. But the interval for the animation of the small blue circle is before the document begin and is therefore sorted out, this means, the animation does not start, the circle remains blue. If something red gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail both animations started
KSVG1ok -
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2011-01-08-01: §M(1)P
syncbase and priority:
syncbase-values are tested for the begin attribute.
The animation of the cy attribute is animated with two animations, one of them with an offset of 1s, one with this as a syncbase-value. The one with the syncbase-value is earlier in the source code. However due to a specific SMIL rule this has nevertheless higher priority. But because the syncbase has a longer active duration, its effect becomes visible after the time dependent is finished.
If the red comparison becomes visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail no animation
WebKit 528.16fail wrong priority
Adobefail wrong priority
Squiggle 1.7fail wrong priority
Opera8.02/50(ok) minor syncronisation problems
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/ 10.60/ 11.00fail wrong priority
Opera10.0 beta/ 10.0fail wrong priority, funny residuals
Opera11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2011-01-09-01: §M(1)P
syncbase and priority:
syncbase-values are tested for the begin attribute.
The animation of the cy attribute is animated with two animations, one of them with an offset of 1s, one with this as a syncbase-value. The one with the syncbase-value is earlier in the source code. However due to a specific SMIL rule this has nevertheless higher priority. The syncbase has a longer active duration, but the effect is covered by a frozen fill.
If the red comparison becomes visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail no animation
WebKit 528.16fail wrong priority
Adobefail wrong priority
Squiggle 1.7fail wrong priority
Opera8.02/50(ok) minor syncronisation problems
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/ 10.60/ 11.00fail wrong priority
Opera10.0 beta/ 10.0fail wrong priority, funny residuals
Opera11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2011-01-10-01: §M(1)P
syncbase and priority:
syncbase-values are tested for the begin attribute.
The animation of the cy attribute is animated with two animations, one of them with an offset of 1s, one with a syncbase-value following a chain of syncbases. Those with the syncbase-value are earlier in the source code. However due to a specific SMIL rule this has nevertheless higher priority. The syncbase has a longer active duration, but the effect is covered by a frozen fill.
If the red comparison becomes visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1fail no animation
WebKit 528.16fail wrong priority
Adobefail wrong priority
Squiggle 1.7fail wrong priority
Opera8.02/50fail timing problems
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/ 10.60/ 11.00fail wrong priority
Opera10.0 beta/ 10.0fail wrong priority, funny residuals
Opera11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -
Test results for begin syncbase-value
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 0/12 0/12
KSVG1 1/12 1/12
WebKit 528.16 9/12 9/12
Adobe 7/12 7/12
Squiggle 1.7 9/12 9/12
Opera8.02/50 8/12 8/12
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00 9/12 9/12
Opera11.60/ 12,00 12/12 12/12
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0 5/12 5/12


e2008-02-29-01: §IQ
begin-list with offset and events:
The begin of the animation is started either with a click on the circle, 6s after the activation of the circle or after 30s. This starts a color animation of 4s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no events
KSVG1 fail no events
WebKit 528.16fail activate ignored
Adobefail activate with offset ignored
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail activate ignored, offset value prevents event begin
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60fail activate ignored
Opera11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail immediate activation with tab and return
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-01: §IQ
event-value click of begin:
The begin of the animation is started with a click on the circle. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-02: §IQ
event-value click + clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started 2s after a click on the circle. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefail click stops the running animation immediately
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Opera9tp1fail no animation
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-03: §IQS
event-value click - clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started 5s before a click on the circle. This starts a fill animation from black to white of 10s duration. Of course the animation can't really start 5s before the click. This means, the visible animation has to start with gray and not black.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished*
Adobefail no animation
Squiggle 1.7fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished*
Opera8.02/50fail somestimes nearly correct, shows oscillatory animation and crashes browser
Opera9tp1/ 9.00/9.10fail not started, if clicked while already running
Opera9tp2fail no animation, bug-196703
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished*
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

* This is an inconsistency with SMIL. According to SMIL a new begin between the begin and end of the current interval will end the current interval due to a restart. On the other hand, a pseudocode excludes a begin before the end of the current interval. The first impression would be, that a second event within the active duration will end the current interval without a restart. However, without a restart the end due to the restart condition is nonsense. WebKit, Squiggle and Opera do something funny with this, within the active duration it is possible to restart, but not in the interval between the 'normal' end due to the dur attribute and 5s after this end.

e2005-09-04-04: §IQ
event-value activate of begin:
The begin of the animation is started with an activation of the circle. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16 fail attribute ignored
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail attribute ignored; Opera bug-174503
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-05: §IQ
event-value activate + clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started 2s after an activation of the circle. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16 fail attribute ignored
Adobefail activate stops the running animation immediately
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail attribute ignored, bug-174503
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-06: §IQS
event-value activate - clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started 5s before an activation of the circle. This starts a fill animation from black to white of 10s duration. Of course the animation can't really start 5s before the activation. This means, the visible animation has to start with gray and not black.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16 fail attribute ignored
Adobefail attribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished, see comment for test e2005-09-04-03 above.
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail attribute ignored, bug-174503
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-07: §IQ
event-value mouseover of begin:
The begin of the animation is started with a mouseover of the circle. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail attribute ignored
Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-08: §IQ
event-value mouseover + clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started 2s after a mouseover of the circle. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefail mouseover stops the running animation immediately
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail attribute ignored
Opera9tp1fail wrong timing, animation not relyable
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-09: §IQS
event-value mouseover - clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started 5s before a mouseover of the circle. This starts a fill animation from black to white of 10s duration. Of course the animation can't really start 5s before the mouseover. This means, the visible animation has to start with gray and not black.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished *
Adobefail attribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished *
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp2fail attribute ignored, bug-196703
Opera9tp1/ 9.00/9.10fail almost correct, but stops to work if the mouse goes out and in again, while the animation is performed.
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished *
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

* See comment for test e2005-09-04-03 above.

e2005-09-04-10: §IQ
event-value mousedown of begin:
The begin of the animation is started with a mousedown of the circle. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2006-03-21-01: §IQ
event-value mousedown + clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started 2s after a mousedown of the circle. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefail mousedown stops the running animation immediately
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1fail timing wrong, sometimes no reaction
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2006-03-21-02: §IQS
event-value mousedown - clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started 3s before a mousedown of the circle. This starts a colour animation of 6s duration. This means, the visible animation has to start with gray and not black.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished *
Adobefail attribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished *
Opera8.02/50fail crashes immediately
Opera9tp1/ 9.00/9.10fail does not work, if the mousedown occurs, if the animation is already running
Opera9tp2fail attribute ignored, bug-196703
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished *
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

* See comment for test e2005-09-04-03 above.

e2005-09-04-11: §IQ
event-value mouseup of begin:
The begin of the animation is started with a mouseup of the circle. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2006-03-21-11: §IQ
event-value mouseup + clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started 2s after a mouseup of the circle. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefail mouseup stops the running animation immediately
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail sometimes no reaction
Opera9tp1fail timing wrong, sometimes no reaction
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2006-03-21-12: §IQS
event-value mouseup - clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started 3s before a mouseup of the circle. This starts a colour animation of 6s duration. This means, the visible animation has to start with gray and not black.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished *
Adobefail attribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished *
Opera8.02/50fail crashes immediately
Opera9tp1/ 9.00/9.10fail does not work, if the mousedown occurs, if the animation is already running
Opera9tp2fail attribute ignored, bug-196703
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished *
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

* See comment for test e2005-09-04-03 above.

e2005-09-04-12: §IQ
event-value mouseout of begin:
The begin of the animation is started with a mouseout of the circle. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail attribute ignored
Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2006-03-21-21: §IQ
event-value mouseout + clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started 2s after a mouseout of the circle. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefail mouseout stops the running animation immediately
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail attribute ignored
Opera9tp1fail sometimes no reaction
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2006-03-21-22: §IQS
event-value mouseout - clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started 3s before a mouseout of the circle. This starts a colour animation of 6s duration. This means, the visible animation has to start with gray and not black.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished *
Adobefail attribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished *
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp2fail attribute ignored, bug-196703
Opera9tp1/ 9.00/9.10fail does not work, if the mouseout occurs, if the animation is already running
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished *
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

* See comment for test e2005-09-04-03 above.

e2005-09-04-13: §IQ
event-value mousemove of begin:
The begin of the animation is started with a mousemove of the circle. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail minor disturbances while mouse is moved
Opera8.02/50ok (Test sucessfull, but browser crashes sometimes after animation)
Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2006-03-21-31: §IQ
event-value mousemove + clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started 2s after a mousemove of the circle. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefail mousemove stops the running animation immediately
Squiggle 1.7fail minor disturbances while mouse is moved
Opera8.02/50fail just one animation
Opera9tp1fail sometimes confused animation
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2006-03-21-32: §IQS
event-value mousemove - clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started 3s before a mousemove of the circle. This starts a colour animation of 6s duration. This means, the visible animation has to start with gray and not black.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished *
Adobefail attribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished *
Opera8.02/50fail attribute ignored
Opera9tp1/ 9.00/9.10fail does not work, if the mousemove occurs, if the animation is already running
Opera9tp2fail attribute ignored, bug-196703
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail ignores first event short after the animation is finished *
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

* See comment for test e2005-09-04-03 above.

e2005-09-04-14: §M(1)P
event-value SVGLoad of begin:
The begin of the animation is started with a SVGLoad. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration after the document is completely loaded. begin="SVGLoad" corresponds for practical applications to begin="0s", it is trivial, as if no begin is given. stroke shows the same animateColor. If something red becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1(ok) short initial red circle
KSVG1 ok -
WebKit 528.16fail attribute ignored
Adobefail attribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7 ok -
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1/2fail attribute ignored
Opera9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00 ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-15: §M(2)P
event-value repeatEvent of begin:
The begin of the animation of the large circle of a duration of 3s is started with a repeatEvent of the animation of the small circle with a duration of 3s. The animation of the small circle is repeated 6 times. Both are colour animations. stroke shows the same animateColor. If something red becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16fail attribute ignored
Adobefail attribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7 ok -
Opera8.02/50fail attribute ignored
Opera9tp1/ 9.00/9.10fail no animation - even the animation of the small circle is ignored
Opera9tp2fail crashes immediately, bug-196701
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00 ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-16: §IQ
event-value SVGZoom of begin:
The begin of the animation is started with a SVGZoom. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration after the document is zoomed (zoom into the document).

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16fail attribute ignored
Adobefail no animation
Squiggle 1.7fail no animation
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail no animation
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-17: §IQ
event-value SVGResize of begin:
The begin of the animation is started with a SVGResize. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration after the document is resized (resize the window of the user agent).

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16fail attribute ignored
Adobefail no animation, sometimes the plugin crashes
Squiggle 1.7fail no animation
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail no animation
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-18: §IQ
event-value SVGScroll of begin:
The begin of the animation is started with a SVGScroll. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration after the document is scrolled (choose a window-size smaller than 500px x 500px to get scroll bars and scroll the document).

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored, no scrollbars
WebKit 528.16fail attribute ignored, no scrolbars
Adobefail no animation, no scrollbars
Squiggle 1.7fail no animation, no scrollbars
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail no animation
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-19: §M(2)P
event-value beginEvent of begin:
The begin of the animation of the large circle of a duration of 3s is started with the beginEvent of the animation of the small circle with a duration of 3s. The animation of the small circle is repeated 6 times. Both are colour animations. stroke shows the same animateColor. If something red becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored, not reproducible animations or no animation
WebKit 528.16fail attribute ignored
Adobefail attribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail attribute ignored
Opera9tp1/ 9.00/9.10fail no animation at all, even not for the small circle
Opera9tp2/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00fail crashes immediately, bug-196701
Opera11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-20: §M(2)P
event-value endEvent of begin:
The begin of the animation of the large circle of a duration of 3s is started with the endEvent of the animation of the small circle with a duration of 3s. stroke shows the same animateColor. If something red becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored, not reproducible animations or no animation
WebKit 528.16fail attribute ignored
Adobefail attribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail attribute ignored
Opera9tp1/ 9.00/9.10fail no animation at all, even not for the small circle
Opera9tp2fail crashes immediately, bug-196701
Opera9.50 alphafail event ignored
Opera9.50 beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-21: §IQ
event-values focusin and focusout of begin:
The font-size of the blue stroked text is animated with repetition. The animation of the text 'focusin' can be started with a focusin event. The animation of the text 'focusout' can be started with a focusout event. For example mark the text with the mouse, to set the focusin. For focusout for example mark another text. The initial and final font-sizes of the animations are marked in gray.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored, not reproducible animations or no animation for both text elements together
WebKit 528.16fail attribute ignored
Adobefail attribute ignored, not reproducible animations for both text elements together
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail no animation
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animation

Note, that there are more event-values as tested here, but as far as I can imagine, they have nothing to do with declarative animation or no visible effect in SVG tiny. These other values are correlated to the DOM.

Test results for begin event-value
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 1/30 1/30
KSVG1 1/30 1/30
WebKit 528.16 12/30 12/30
Adobe 7/30 7/30
Squiggle 1.7 18/30 18/30
Opera8.02/50 5/30 5/30
Opera9tp1 6/30 6/30
Opera9tp2 12/30 12/30
Opera9 beta1/2 * 0/30 0/30
Opera9.00/9.10 13/30 13/30
Opera9.50 alpha 14/30 14/30
Opera9.50 beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00 15/30 15/30
Opera11.60/ 12,00 16/30 16/30
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0 0/30 0/30

* Opera9 beta1/2 ignore events completely.


e2005-09-04-31: §M(3)P
repeat-value repeat of begin:
The begin of the animation of the large circle of a duration of 3s is started with the second repetition (repeat(2)) of the animation of the small circle with a duration of 3s. The animation of the small circle is repeated 6 times. Both are colour animations. stroke shows the same animateColor. If something red becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail ignored, wrong animation
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16 fail attribute ignored
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1fail attribute ignored; Opera bug-174507
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-32: §M(3)P
repeat-value repeat + clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation of the large circle of a duration of 3s is started 2s after the second repetition (repeat(2)) of the animation of the small circle with a duration of 3s. The animation of the small circle is repeated 6 times. Both are colour animations. stroke shows the same animateColor. If something red becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail ignored, wrong animation
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16 fail attribute ignored
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1fail attribute ignored
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-33: §M(3)P
repeat-value repeat - clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation of the large circle of a duration of 3s is started 2s before the second repetition (repeat(2)) of the animation of the small circle with a duration of 3s. The animation of the small circle is repeated 6 times. Both are colour animations. troke shows the same animateColor. If something red becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail ignored, wrong animation
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16 fail attribute ignored
Adobefail attribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2fail attribute ignored
Opera9beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail minor accuracy problem
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor
Test results for begin repeat-value
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 0/3 0/3
KSVG1 0/3 0/3
WebKit 528.16 0/3 0/3
Adobe 2/3 2/3
Squiggle 1.7 3/3 3/3
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1 0/3 0/3
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10 2/3 2/3
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00 3/3 3/3
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0 0/3 0/3


e2005-09-04-41: §IQ
accessKey-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started with the accessKey b. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration.
According to the SMIL animation recommendation the accessKey has to be accessable without the use of another key like ALT, but note, that the access to the accessKey in real user-agents often depends on additional keys, which have to be pressed before or with the desired key - look in the manual of the user-agent, if you want to check this too - but it is not correct anyway.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16 fail attribute ignored
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9beta1/2fail attribute ignored; Opera bug-174505
Opera9tp1/2fail if the circle is clicked or the mouse is over the circle, any key can activate the animation, if the circle is not clicked or something different, nothing happens with the key. While the animation is running, it can be restarted with any key, but if it is finished, the circle has to be clicked before (just tp1).
Opera9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail needs shift+escape to activate accessKey; Opera bug-174505
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-42: §IQ
accessKey-value + clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started 3s after the accessKey b is pressed. This starts a colour animation of 3s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16 fail attribute ignored
Adobefail attribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9beta1/2fail attribute ignored
Opera9tp1/2fail either no animation (just tp1) or similar behaviour as in the previous example.
Opera9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail needs shift+escape to activate accessKey; Opera bug-174505
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-43: §IQ
accessKey-value - clock-value of begin:
The begin of the animation is started 5s before the accessKey b is pressed. This starts a colour animation of 10s duration. Because it is not possible to start the animation before the key is pressed, the part of the animation before this event is not visible. The visible effect is a colour animation from magenta to blue in 5s and not from red to blue in 10s.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16 fail attribute ignored
Adobefail attribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7failignores first event short after the animation is finished *
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp2/beta1/2fail attribute ignored
Opera9tp1fail similar behaviour as described in the two previous examples.
Opera9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail needs shift+escape to activate accessKey; Opera bug-174505
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

* See comment for test e2005-09-04-03 above.

Test results for begin accessKey-value
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 0/3 0/3
KSVG1 0/3 0/3
WebKit 528.16 0/3 0/3
Adobe 1/3 1/3
Squiggle 1.7 2/3 2/3
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00 0/3 0/3
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0 0/3 0/3


e2005-09-04-51: §AUP
wallclock-value of begin:
The wallclock value is checked for the begin attribute. A simple wall clock is animated. The begin value is wallclock(2005-09-04T00:00Z), this means the animation begins at 2005-09-04T00:00Z or at midnight of 2005-09-04, UTC time. If the current date of the user-agent is later than this date, the animations show the UTC time.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16 fail attribute ignored
Adobefail attribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7ok (takes a moment to get the correct UTC to start the animation)
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail attribute ignored
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail attribute ignored

e2005-09-04-52: §AUP
wallclock-value of begin:
The wallclock value is checked for the begin attribute. A simple wall clock is animated. The begin value is wallclock(00:00), this means the animation begun at 00:00 or at midnight local time. The clock shows the current local time.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 fail attribute ignored
KSVG1 fail attribute ignored
WebKit 528.16 fail attribute ignored
Adobefail attribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail attribute ignored
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail attribute ignored

begin with a element

e2005-09-04-61: §IQ
indefinite begin and start with an a element:
The begin attribute is set to indefinite. The animation is started with an activation of the a element around the circle. This starts a colour animation of 10s duration.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 fail ignored
KSVG1failalmost correct, but the animation starts at 0s, too
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0 fail ignored
Gecko 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-09-04-62: §IQ
indefinite begin and start with an a element:
A click on one of the magenta symbols gives a by animation for a circle as expected intuitively by the type of the symbol. fill is set to freeze, therefore the animations stop at their end points. Because by animations without from are additive, the start of an animation depends on the history. The first click on a symbol resolves the begin time for the corresponding animation. If the symbol is clicked again, all animations after the first click have to be repeated with corresponding begin times. (see SMIL animation recommendation for hyperlinking rules). For example: If after one motion the opposite direction is chosen, the motion starts at the final position of the previous animation. If the same direction is chosen, the animation has to start with the initial value for the first click on the same symbol. The history since the last click on the same symbol has to be repeated. If the animation is started, while itself is already running, it has to start at the intial value. If it is started, while an animation in the opposite direction is running, it is additive, the visual effect is, that it stops until the other animation is finished. Animation for different attributes superpose always and have no influence on each other, unless a repeated click on one symbol results in the repetition of the history of the animation. Initial values for horizontal and vertical motions are given as small circle and lines as a help.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 fail no animation
KSVG1failstarts all animations with a click and the animations start at 0s, too
WebKit 528.16failno history with restart
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail creates a huge number of wrong error messages and freezes the complete X11 environment with them! The error messages are related to a wrong interpretation of restarted additive animations.
Opera8.02/50fail seems to be confused, sometimes the fill freeze is forgotten and the different animations are not always additive.
Opera9tp1/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail does not resolve the begin times correctly for repeated start of the animation history.
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0 fail ignored
Gecko 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-10-21-01: §IQ
begin to end with an a element:
With an a element an animation can just be started directly. To stop it, a trick is necessary. A begin attribute is set to indefinite. With a click on the circle the begin of a set animations ends the animateColor.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 fail ignored
KSVG1oksometimes the browser crashes a little bit later
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50oksometimes the browser crashes a little bit later
Opera9tp1fail attribute ignored, wrong behaviour after click.
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0 fail ignored
Gecko 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-10-21-02: §IQ
begin with a and several begin times:
Without interactivity the colour animation restarts three times. With a click on the circle the colour animation can be restarted. If the the stroke is gray, the animation is repeated three times. If the stroke is magenta, the animation is repeated two times. If the stroke is blue, the animation is repeated just one time.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 fail ignored, wrong animation
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16failno history with restart
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50failignores more than one begin
Opera9tp1failnumber of repeats wrong
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0 fail ignored
Gecko 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor

e2005-10-21-03: §IQ
restart animations with a click:
Restart and history of different attributes with a element. Without interactivity, the ellipse moves from left to right after 10s and after 5s additionally from top to bottom for 10s. A click on the ellipse start to animate rx and 5s later ry. This resolves the begin times for these animations. A click on one of the text options will repeat the history of the last animations since the begin of the last animation of the referenced attribute - for a detailed description see the similar example in the SMIL animation recommendation.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 fail no animation
KSVG1failignores begin and history
WebKit 528.16failno history with restart
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail wrong interpretation of history
Opera8.02/50failignores history of begin times
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10failhistory of begin times not completely interpreted
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail wrong interpretation of history
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0 fail no linking
Gecko 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail no action, if ellipse is clicked
Gecko 60.0ok -

e2007-03-27-01: §IQ
a and begin and bubbling:
The radius of two circles (one behind the other) can be animated, this can be started with a click on the circle. One circle is enlarged, the other shrinks. The shrinking circle animation is started with a click event, the enlarging animation is started with an a element surround both circles. Because the shrinking circle covers the other completely at the beginning, it is not possible, to start just the enlarging animation. Even if this is restarted with a second click on the larger circle, this will result in a restart of the shrinking animation too, due to the specific timing rules for animations started with an a element. The other focus of the test is, that both animations are started, not just the inner shrinking one, this behaviour is called bubbling and is applicable for the click event.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 failno interactivity
KSVG1failno interactivity
WebKit 528.16failno history with restart
Squiggle 1.7ok-
Opera8.02/50/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok-
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10failwrong timing if smaller circle is clicked while the animation is already running
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0 fail no linking
Gecko 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail no click event
Gecko 60.0ok -
Test results for begin with element a
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 0/6 0/6
KSVG1 1/6 1/6
WebKit 528.16 2/6 2/6
Adobe 6/6 6/6
Squiggle 1.7 4/6 4/6
Opera8.02/50 3/6 3/6
Opera9tp1 2/6 2/6
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10 3/6 3/6
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00 5/6 5/6
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0 0/6 0/6
Gecko 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0 1/6 1/6
Gecko 60.0 3/6 3/6
Test results for begin
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51 2/59 2/59
Amaya11.3.1 3/56 3/56
KSVG1 4/59 4/59
WebKit 528.16 26/59 26/59
Adobe 25/59 25/59
Squiggle 1.7 40/59 40/59
Opera8.02/50 18/59 18/59
Opera9tp1 20/59 20/59
Opera9tp2 29/59 29/59
Opera9 beta1/2 17/59 17/59
Opera9.00/9.10 30/59 30/59
Opera9.50 alpha 34/59 34/59
Opera9.50 beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00 35/59 35/59
Opera11.60/ 12,00 39/59 39/59
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0 5/59 5/59
Gecko 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0 6/59 6/59
Gecko 60.0 8/59 8/59


The end attribute has almost the same possibilities for values as the begin attribute. Therefore here is nothing more to learn, but similar things to check.

end with offset-value

e2005-09-05-01: §M(2)Q
end with offset-value:
A rectangle is rotated around the center of the image with a dur value of 60s, but the anmation is already stopped after 30s with the end attribute. The active duration is marked with a blue fill.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1failignored
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16failfinal value not frozen
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-09-05-02: §M(2)Q
end with offset-value:
A rectangle is rotated around the center of the image with a dur value of 6s and the repeatCount is set to indefinite, but the animation is already stopped after 12s or after 2 repetitions with the end attribute. The active duration is marked with a blue fill.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1failignored
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-09-05-03: §M(1)P
end before begin:
The radius of a circle is animated with a duration of 20s after 3s with the begin value, the given end value is already 0s. This results in no animation, because the end-value before begin without any end value after begin prevents the animation from starting. If something red becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1ok -
KSVG1fail ignores end
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefail ignores end
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail ignores end
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2007-01-16-01: §M(1)P
end and begin before the document begins:
The radius of a circle is animated with a duration of 20s with the begin value of -5.01s, the given end value is already -0.01s. This results in no animation, because both end and begin are before the begin of the document. This time interval is sorted out. end and begin before the load of the document prevents the animation from starting. If something red becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1ok -
KSVG1fail ignores bgegin and end
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok-
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2007-01-21-01: §M(1)P
begin equals end:
The color of a blue circle is set to red for 100s. begin and end are both 2s. This is an invalid or empty interval, this means, the animation does not start, the circle remains blue. If something red gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1ok -
KSVG1ok -
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok-
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-09-05-04: §M(2)Q
end list with offset-values:
A rectangle is rotated around the center of the image with a dur value of 3s with repetition. A begin list is given with start times of 3s, 9s, 15s, 21s. An end list is given with end times of 4s, 11s, 18s, 25s. This results in several animations with the durations 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s. The active duration is marked with a blue fill.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1failignored
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16failfinal values not frozen
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail just one value, the others are ignored.
Opera9tp1/tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2006-08-08-01: §M(2)Q
end list with offset-values:
A rectangle is rotated around the center of the image with a dur value of 3s with repetition. A begin list is given with start times of 3s, 9s, 15s, 21s, 27s. An end list is given with end times of 4s, 11s, 18s, 25s. This results in several animations with the durations 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s. The last begin does not start, because their is no later end. The active duration is marked with a blue fill. If a gray object rotates, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1failignored
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16failfinal value not frozen
Adobefail last begin animated
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail just one value, the others are ignored.
Opera9tp1/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail last begin animated
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2006-02-20-01: §M(1)P
end later than begin+dur:
cx and cy of a circle are animated from small to large in 10s. end for cx is set to 12s and has no influence on the animation. A gray path shows the correct trajectory of the circle. If the red center of the circle becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1failno animation
KSVG1ok -
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2006-02-20-02: §M(1)P
discrete animation and end:
cx of a circle is discrete animated from small to large in 10s. end is set to 8s. This means for the overall animation a constant cx for the last 2s. cy is animated linear. A gray path shows the correct trajectory of the circle. If the red center of the circle becomes visible, an error occurred. Note that time intervals in SVG have a closed begin and open end. begin and end define an interval too, therefore in this example for 8s and later still 800 is the presentation value.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1failno animation
KSVG1fail no cx animation
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen value
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail wrong time interval model
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail wrong time interval model
Opera9tp1failwrong timing
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0failwrong frozen value

e2006-02-20-03: §M(1)P
discrete animation with keyTimes and end:
cx of a circle is discrete animated from small to large in 10s. end is set to 8s. This means for the overall animation a constant cx for the last 2s. cy is animated linear. A gray path shows the correct trajectory of the circle. If the red center of the circle becomes visible, an error occurred. Note that time intervals in SVG have a closed begin and open end. begin and end define an interval too, therefore in this example for 8s and later still 800 is the presentation value.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1failno animation
KSVG1fail no cx animation
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen value
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail wrong time interval model
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0failwrong frozen value

e2006-08-08-11: §IAQ
interactive begin and fixed end:
The radius of a circle is enlarged in a duration of 20s after a click with the begin value, if the circle is clicked before the end at 20s, indicated with a blue stroke. The animation ends at 20s. A click later as 20s cannot start or restart the animation anymore, because the only end value is before begin.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no interactivity
KSVG1fail no interactivity
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen value
Adobefail end ignored
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail end ignored
Opera9beta1/2fail no interactivity
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0ok -
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail no interactivity
Test results for end offset-value
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 3/11 3/11
KSVG1 2/11 2/11
WebKit 528.16 5/11 5/11
Adobe 8/11 8/11
Squiggle 1.7 9/11 9/11
Opera8.02/50 6/11 6/11
Opera9tp1 8/11 8/11
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10 7/11 7/11
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00 11/11 11/11
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0 9/11 9/11
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0 8/11 8/11

end with syncbase-value

e2005-09-05-05: §M(3)P
end with syncbase-value end:
Two rectangles are rotated around the center of the image with a dur value of 3s or 10s with repetition. The end of the fast rotation of the small rectangle finishes the animation of the slow large rectangle after 16s, using the syncbase-value end. The active duration is marked with a blue fill.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail ignored
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen values
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail instead of end there are wild oscillatory motions and the browser crashes.
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-09-05-06: §M(3)P
end with syncbase-value begin:
Two rectangles are rotated around the center of the image with a dur value of 3s or 10s with repetition. The begin of the fast rotation of the small rectangle finishes the animation of the slow large rectangle after 13s, using the syncbase-value begin. The active duration is marked with a blue fill.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail ignored
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen values
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail large rectangle not animated
Opera8.02/50fail The event crashes the browser immediately or instead of end there are wild oscillatory motions and the browser crashes.
Opera9tp1fail event ignored
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-09-05-07: §M(3)P
end with syncbase-value end + clock-value:
Two rectangles are rotated around the center of the image with a dur value of 3s or 10s with repetition. 3s after the end of the fast rotation of the small rectangle of 16s duration the animation of the slow large rectangle is finished, using a syncbase-value. The active duration is marked with a blue fill.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail ignored
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen values
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail The event crashes the browser immediately or instead of end there are wild oscillatory motions and the browser crashes.
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-09-05-08: §M(3)P
end with syncbase-value end - clock-value:
Two rectangles are rotated around the center of the image with a dur value of 3s or 10s with repetition. 3s before the end of the fast rotation of the small rectangle of 16s duration the animation of the slow large rectangle is finished, using a syncbase-value. The active duration is marked with a blue fill.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail ignored
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen value
Adobefail attribute ignored, animation does not stop.
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail The event crashes the browser immediately or instead of end there are wild oscillatory motions and the browser crashes.
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-09-05-09: §M(3)P
end with syncbase-value begin + clock-value:
Two rectangles are rotated around the center of the image with a dur value of 3s or 10s with repetition. The black rectangle starts the animation at 0s. The red rectangle starts the animation at 13s. 3s after the begin of the fast rotation of the small rectangle the animation of the slow large rectangle is finished, using a syncbase-value. The active duration is marked with a blue fill.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail ignored
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen values
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail large rectangle not animated
Opera8.02/50fail The event crashes the browser immediately or instead of end there are wild oscillatory motions and the browser crashes.
Opera9tp1failevent ignored
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-09-05-10: §M(3)P
end with syncbase-value begin - clock-value:
Two rectangles are rotated around the center of the image with a dur value of 3s or 10s with repetition. The black rectangle starts the animation at 0s. The red rectangle starts the animation at 13s. 3s before the begin of the fast rotation of the small rectangle the animation of the slow large rectangle is finished, using a syncbase-value. The active duration is marked with a blue fill.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail ignored
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen value
Adobefail attribute ignored, animation does not stop.
Squiggle 1.7fail large rectangle not animated
Opera8.02/50fail The event crashes the browser immediately or instead of end there are wild oscillatory motions and the browser crashes.
Opera9tp1failevent ignored
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2008-04-24-01: §M(1)P
begin lists and end with syncbase:
A blue circle is moved from top to bottom in 8s, from left to right in 10s, the animations are started three respectively four times with multiple begin and end times, end with syncbase values. For the second begin time there is no fitting end value in the list, therefore it cannot start at the given time. 6s later the related end value is received from repeat and the second turns starts late within the animation. For the last begin there are all end values earlier and therefore it does never start. This is compared with a red circle below with the same motion realised with some simpler animations. If something red is getting visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16failwrong timing
Adobefail second and last turn wrong
Squiggle 1.7fail second turn wrong
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail completely wrong
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00failsecond turn wrong
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0failwrong animation
Test results for end syncbase-value
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 0/7 0/7
KSVG1 0/7 0/7
WebKit 528.16 0/7 0/7
Adobe 4/7 4/7
Squiggle 1.7 3/7 3/7
Opera8.02/50 0/7 0/7
Opera9tp1 3/7 3/7
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00 6/7 6/7
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0 6/7 6/7

end with event-value

e2005-09-06-01: §IQ
end with event-value click:
width and height of a rectangle is enlarged in 30s. The animation can be stopped with a click on the rectangle.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno animation or ignores event
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail The event crashes the browser immediately.
Opera9tp1failevent ignored
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60ok -
Opera12,00failfirst event for height ignored
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0ok -
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0failevent ignored

e2005-09-06-02: §IQ
end with event-value click + clock-value:
width and height of a rectangle is enlarged in 30s. The animation can be stopped with a click on the rectangle. width is stopped after 3s, height is stopped after 6s.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores event
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7failends immediately, offsets ignored
Opera8.02/50fail The event crashes the browser immediately.
Opera9tp1failevent ignored
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60ok -
Opera12,00failfirst event for height ignored
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0ok -
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0failevent ignored

e2005-09-06-03: §IQ
end with event-value click - clock-value:
width and height of a rectangle is enlarged in 30s. The animation can be stopped with a click on the rectangle. width is ended 3s before the click, height is ended 4s after the end of the width animation. Of course, this cannot have a visible effect for the width animation, but the user-agent has to recalculate the end-time with the effect, that the height animation is stopped 1s after the click. The test assumes, that the click event is later than 3s after the begin of the document. Else the end has to be ignored, because when the animation was started at 0s the end was indefinite, therefore to begin the animation is correct. But if the end with click event then is resolved before begin, it is ignored, not fitting to the begin time.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores event
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefail ignores event
Squiggle 1.7failends immediately, offsets ignored
Opera8.02/50fail The event crashes the browser immediately.
Opera9tp1failevent ignored
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10failwrong timing for end
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60ok-
Opera12,00failwrong timing for end height
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0ok -
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0failevent ignored

e2005-09-06-04: §IQ
end with event-value activate:
width and height of a rectangle is enlarged in 30s. The animation can be stopped with the event activate of the rectangle.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores event
WebKit 528.16failignores event
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00failignores event
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0failignores event

e2005-09-06-05: §IQ
end with event-value mousemove:
width and height of a rectangle is enlarged, x is moved to the right in 30s. The animation can be stopped with the event mousemove of the rectangle.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores event
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail The event crashes the browser immediately.
Opera9tp1failevent ignored
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60ok -
Opera12,00failfirst event for height ignored
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0ok -
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0failevent ignored

e2005-09-06-06: §IQ
end with event-value mouseover:
width and height of a rectangle is enlarged, x is moved to the right in 30s. The animation can be stopped with the event mouseover of the rectangle. Note: Either the mouse moves over the rectangle or the rectangle animates below the mouse to get this event.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores event
WebKit 528.16fail does not stop, if the rectangle animates below the mouse
Adobefail does not stop, if the rectangle animates below the mouse
Squiggle 1.7fail does not stop, if the rectangle animates below the mouse
Opera8.02/50fail The event crashes the browser immediately.
Opera9tp1failevent ignored
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60fail does not stop, if the rectangle animates below the mouse
Opera12,00failfirst event for height ignored, does not stop, if the rectangle animates below the mouse
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0fail does not stop, if the rectangle animates below the mouse
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0failevent ignored
Gecko 60.0ok -

e2005-09-06-07: §IQ
end with event-value mousedown:
width and height of a rectangle is enlarged, x is moved to the right in 30s. The animation can be stopped with the event mousedown of the rectangle.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores event
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail If only the mouse is above the rectangle, the browsers crashes.
Opera9tp1failevent ignored
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60ok -
Opera12,00failfirst event for height ignored
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0ok -
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0failevent ignored

e2005-09-06-08: §IQ
end with event-value mouseup:
width and height of a rectangle is enlarged, x is moved to the right in 30s. The animation can be stopped with the event mouseup of the rectangle.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores event
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail If only the mouse is above the rectangle, the browsers crashes.
Opera9tp1failevent ignored
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0fail if the mousedown was inside the rectangle, but the mouseup is outside and the mouse not moved between, just the rectangle, there is an event, but it should not. Another experiment goes wrong too - if mousedown is outside and mouseup inside due to the animation of the rectangle, there is no event.
Opera10.60/ 11.00/11.60ok -
Opera12,00failfirst event for height ignored
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0ok -
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0failevent ignored

e2005-09-06-09: §IQ
end with event-value mouseout:
width and height of a rectangle is enlarged in 30s. The animation can be stopped with the event mouseout of the rectangle.
mouseout occurs according to the specification, if the mouse is moved away from the element. It is not mentioned, that the conditions is fulfilled, if the element moves away from the mouse, therefore the mouse has to be moved, not just the element.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores event
WebKit 528.16fail end if mouse moved outside shape, if the mouse was inside before and the shape moved away from the mouse
Adobefail end if mouse moved outside shape, if the mouse was inside before and the shape moved away from the mouse
Squiggle 1.7fail end if mouse moved outside shape, if the mouse was inside before and the shape moved away from the mouse
Opera8.02/50failno animation, but if only the mouse is above the rectangle, the browsers crashes.
Opera9tp1failevent ignored
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60fail end if mouse moved outside shape, if the mouse was inside before and the shape moved away from the mouse
Opera12,00failfirst event for height ignored
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0fail end if mouse moved outside shape, if the mouse was inside before and the shape moved away from the mouse
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0failevent ignored

e2005-09-06-10: §IQ
end with event-value SVGResize:
width and height of a rectangle is enlarged in 60s. The animation can be stopped with the event SVGResize of the SVG document. (change the size of the viewport of the user-agent.)

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores event
WebKit 528.16failignores event
Adobefail ignores event, but plugin crashes a short time after resizeing
Squiggle 1.7failignores event
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00failignores event
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0failignores event

e2005-09-06-11: §IQ
end with event-value SVGZoom:
width and height of a rectangle is enlarged in 60s. The animation can be stopped with the event SVGZoom in the SVG document. (zoom into the document.)

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores event
WebKit 528.16failignores event
Adobefail ignores event
Squiggle 1.7failignores event
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00failignores event
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0failignores event

e2005-09-06-12: §M(1)P
end with event-value repeatEvent:
width and height of a rectangle is enlarged in 10s. The width animation is repeated until the end at 60s. The animation of the height ends with the repeatEvent of the width animation. If something red is getting visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno repetition
WebKit 528.16failignores event
Adobefail ignores event
Squiggle 1.7failignores event
Opera8.02/50failheight not animated
Opera9tp1/ 9.00/9.10failwidth not animated
Opera9tp2failcrashes immediately
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail end slightly too late
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0failend slightly too late

e2005-09-06-13: §M(1)P
end with event-value endEvent:
width and height of a rectangle is enlarged in 3s. The width animation is repeated until the end at 11s. The animation of the height ends with the endEvent of the width animation. If something red is getting visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno repetition
WebKit 528.16failignores event
Adobefail ignores event
Squiggle 1.7fail wrong final value
Opera8.02/50failheight not animated
Opera9tp1/ 9.00/9.10failwidth not animated
Opera9tp2failcrashes immediately
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail end slightly too late
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0failend slightly too late

e2006-02-18-01: §M(1)P
end with event-value beginEvent:
width and height of a rectangle is enlarged in 10s. The width animation starts after 10s. The animation of the height ends with the beginEvent of the width animation. If something red is getting visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno repetition
WebKit 528.16failignores event
Adobefail ignores event
Squiggle 1.7fail wrong frozen value
Opera8.02/50failheight not animated
Opera9tp1/ 9.00/9.10failwidth not animated
Opera9tp2failcrashes immediately
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail end slightly too late
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0failend slightly too late

e2005-09-06-14: §IQ
end with event-value SVGScroll:
width and height of a rectangle is enlarged in 60s. The animation can be stopped with the event SVGScroll of the SVG document. (the viewport of the user-agent should be smaller than 500px x 500px, to stop the animation, the viewport has to be scrolled.)

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores event
WebKit 528.16failno scrolling
Adobefail ignores event
Squiggle 1.7fail no scrolling available
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00failignores event
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail ignores event

e2005-09-06-15: §IQ
end with event-values focusin and focusout:
The font-size of a text is animated with repetition. The animation of the text 'focusin' can be stopped with a focusin event. The animation of the text 'focusout' can be stopped with a focusout event. For example mark the text with the mouse, to set the focusin. For focusout for example mark another text.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores event
WebKit 528.16failignores event
Adobefail wrong behaviour - focusin on focusout stops the focusout animation, the focusin animation is not stopped.
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00failignores event, for tp2 confused animation
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail ignores event

e2005-09-06-16: §AUP
end with event-value SVGLoad and begin with wallclock-value:
The wallclock value is checked for the begin attribute. A simple wall clock is animated. The begin value is wallclock(00:00) and the end value is SVGLoad+0.01s, this means the animation begun at 00:00 or at midnight local time. The clock shows the local time at the start of the document without any visible animation.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores end and begin
WebKit 528.16failignores end and begin
Adobefail ignores end and begin
Squiggle 1.7fail ignores end
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00failignores end and begin
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail ignores end and begin

e2006-08-09-01: §IAQ
interactive begin and end:
The radius of a blue circle is enlarged in a duration of 10s after a click on the small green circle on the top. A click on the yellow circle left below resets the size of the circle to the initial value. A click on the red circle left below stops the animation or sets it back to the last frozen animated value if resetted before. After the click on the red circle the animation cannot be restarted with the green circle anymore indicated by a gray stroke. But the reset circle and stop circle still works. Note that the event for end occurs only in the active duration. If the red circle is clicked when the animation is not active, this has no effect and prevents not the start of the animation (gray stroke is a wrong indicator only in this case).

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno animation and interactivity
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen value with yellow button
Adobefail no begin, if red button clicked first
Squiggle 1.7fail yellow button does not work anymore after end
Opera8.02/50fail no restart after reset, crash with restart after stop
Opera9tp1failno stop, no second reset
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail no begin, if red button clicked first
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0fail no begin, if red button clicked first
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail no event
Test results for end event-value
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 0/18 0/18
KSVG1 0/18 0/18
WebKit 528.16 6/18 6/18
Adobe 6/18 6/18
Squiggle 1.7 6/18 6/18
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/beta1/2 * 0/18 0/18
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10 4/18 4/18
Opera9.50 alpha/beta 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0 5/18 5/18
Opera10.60/ 11.00/11.60 6/18 6/18
Opera12,00 0/18 0/18
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0 6/18 6/18
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0 * 0/18 0/18
Gecko 60.0 7/18 7/18

* Opera9 beta1/2 and Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0 ignore events completely.

end with repeat-value

e2005-09-07-01: §M(1)P
end with a repeat-value:
A small circle is moved from top to bottom in 10s, from left to right in 10s, the animations are repeated. The second repetition of the horizontal animation stops the animation of the vertical animation. Therefore the repeat(2) event is at 20s, which is the end of the vertical animation. Because of the end exclusive timing model, this means the second repetition of the movement from top left to bottom right the animation is changed to a movement from bottom left to bottom right. If something red is getting visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno repetition
WebKit 528.16failattribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7failwrong frozen value
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1failvertical motion not animated
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10faillast turns not on bottom, but on top
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail last turns not on bottom, but on top
Gecko 12.0ok -

e2005-09-07-02: §M(1)P
end with a repeat-value + clock-value:
A small circle is moved from top to bottom in 10s, from left to right in 10s, the animations are repeated. The second repetition of the horizontal animation stops the animation of the vertical animation after 5s. Therefore after the 2.5 repetition of the movement from top left to bottom right the animation is changed to a movement from middle left to middle right starting in the middle. If something red is getting visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno repetition
WebKit 528.16failattribute ignored
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7failwrong timing
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1failvertical motion not animated
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok-
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok-

e2005-09-07-03: §M(1)P
end with a repeat-value - clock-value:
A small circle is moved from top to bottom in 10s, from left to right in 10s, the animations are repeated. The begin of the second repetition - repeat(2) - of the horizontal animation stops the animation of the vertical animation 5s before this event. Therefore the repetition stops it late at 20s, but because the active duration is determined by the computed time 15s, the frozen value is determined with the computed time interval, resulting in a switch back to the middle. This means after a movement from top left to bottom right two times the animation is changed to a movement from middle left to middle right. If something red is getting visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno repetition
WebKit 528.16failattribute ignored
Adobefail ignores attribute
Squiggle 1.7failwrong frozen value
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1failvertical motion not animated
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00ok-
Opera11.60/ 12,00failwrong frozen value
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok-

e2008-04-20-01: §M(1)P
end lists with a repeat-value:
A blue circle is moved from top to bottom in 8s, from left to right in 10s, the animations are repeated with multiple begin and end times, end with repeat values. For the last begin time there is no fitting end value in the list, therefore it cannot start at the given time. 5s later the related end value is received from repeat and the last turns starts late within the animation. This is compared with a red circle below with the same motion realised with some simpler animations. If something red is getting visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno repetition, no vertical motion
WebKit 528.16failattribute ignored
Adobefail third turn starts immediately
Squiggle 1.7failthird turn starts immediately
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1failvertical motion not animated
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00failthird turn starts immediately
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail third turn starts immediately
Test results for end repeat-value
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 0/4 0/4
KSVG1 0/4 0/4
WebKit 528.16 0/4 0/4
Adobe 2/4 2/4
Squiggle 1.7 0/4 0/4
Opera8.02/50 0/4 0/4
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10 2/4 2/4
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00 3/4 3/4
Opera11.60/ 12,00 2/4 2/4
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0 2/4 2/4
Gecko 12.0 3/4 3/4
Gecko 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0 2/4 2/4

end with accessKey-value

e2005-09-07-04: §IQ
end with an accessKey-value:
A small circle is moved from top to bottom in 10s, from left to right in 10s, the animations are repeated. Horizontal movement can be stopped with accessKey h and vertical movement with accessKey v.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failattribute ignored
WebKit 528.16failattribute ignored
Adobefail stops everything and crashes plugin.
Squiggle 1.7failwrong frozen values
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/beta1/2failattribute ignored
Opera9tp2failno end without click on circle, with click the key is not specific, h does something else
Opera9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00failworks only with previous shift+escape
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0ok-
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail ignores events

e2005-09-07-05: §IQ
end with an accessKey-value + clock-value:
A small circle is moved from top to bottom in 10s, from left to right in 10s, the animations are repeated. Horizontal movement can be stopped with accessKey h and vertical movement with accessKey v. The animations will stop 5s after the keys are pressed.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failattribute ignored
WebKit 528.16failattribute ignored
Adobefail stops everything and crashes plugin.
Squiggle 1.7failoffset ignored, wrong frozen values
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/beta1/2failattribute ignored
Opera9tp2failno end without click on circle, with click the key is not specific, h does something else
Opera9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00failworks only with previous shift+escape
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0ok-
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail ignores events

end with wallclock-value

e2005-09-07-06: §IP
end with a wallclock-sync-value:
A small circle is moved from top to bottom in 10s, from left to right in 10s, the animations are repeated. The animations have a wallclock-sync-value for the end attributes.
With a XHTML form the wallclock-sync-value has to be set first, then it can be tested (if XHTML is not interpreted, another program can be used for the form and the URI can be simply copied).
If the wallclock-sync-value is within the presentation of the document, the animation has to stop at the given time.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failattribute ignored
WebKit 528.16failattribute ignored
Adobefail attribute ignored
Squiggle 1.7fail attribute ignored
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10failno animation
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail attribute ignored
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0failattribute ignored

e2007-01-23-01: §M(1)P
begin and end with wallclock:
The colour of a circle is discrete animated with the values #f00;#00f;#f00. The begin is wallclock(1700-01-01T00:00Z) and the end is wallclock(2300-01-01T00:00Z) with a dur value of a little bit more than 600 years. Assuming that a user looks at the animation around in the range between the years 1900 and 2100 the colour will be blue and not red, earlier or later it will be red for different reasons.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16failattribute ignored
Adobefail no animation
Squiggle 1.7fail attribute ignored
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10failno animation
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail attribute ignored
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail no animateColor
Test results for end
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 3/44 3/44
KSVG1 2/44 2/44
WebKit 528.16 11/44 11/44
Adobe 20/44 20/44
Squiggle 1.7 18/44 18/44
Opera8.02/50 6/44 6/44
Opera9tp1 11/44 11/44
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10 19/44 19/44
Opera9 beta1/2 15/44 15/44
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00 25/44 25/44
Opera10.60/ 11.00 26/44 26/44
Opera11.60 25/44 25/44
Opera12,00 19/44 19/44
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0 25/44 25/44
Gecko 12.0 17/44 17/44
Gecko 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0 16/44 16/44
Gecko 60.0 23/44 23/44

event bubbling

Event bubbling means, that an event is not only applied to an element directly, it is applied to all parent elements. Due to DOM2 bubbling is applicable for click, mousedown, mouseup, mouseover, mousemove, mouseout, activate, focusin, focusout. Due to the SMIL animation recommendation beginEvent, endEvent, repeatEvent do not bubble.

e2008-06-06-01: §IM(1)P
event bubbling: click:
For the event click bubbling is applicable. Clicking the blue stroked circle (re)starts the animation for cx directly, for cy due to bubbling up to the parent g element. The animations are stopped due to bubbling up to the svg element with an offset of 5s. The circle moves always along the grey line. The frozen position depends on the question, whether the grey line is clicked within 5s before the circle is clicked or not. If the red fill of the circle gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no interactivity
KSVG1failno interactivity
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen value
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail bubbling ignored for end
Opera8.02/50/ 9beta1/2fail no animation/interactivity
Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail no bubbling
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00(ok) minor timing accuracy problem
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0failignores click for svg
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail ignores event

e2008-06-06-02: §IM(1)P
event bubbling: mousedown:
For the event mousedown bubbling is applicable. mousedown on the blue stroked circle (re)starts the animation for cx directly, for cy due to bubbling up to the parent g element. The animations are stopped due to bubbling up to the svg element with an offset of 5s. The circle moves always along the grey line. The frozen position depends on the question, whether the grey line or the circle is started within 5s before the circle is started (again) or not. If the red fill of the circle gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no interactivity
KSVG1failno interactivity
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen value
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail bubbling ignored for end
Opera8.02/50/ 9beta1/2fail no animation/interactivity
Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail no bubbling
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00(ok) minor timing accuracy problem
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0failignores click for svg
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail ignores event

e2008-06-06-03: §IM(1)P
event bubbling: mouseup:
For the event mouseup bubbling is applicable. mouseup on the blue stroked circle (re)starts the animation for cx directly, for cy due to bubbling up to the parent g element. The animations are stopped due to bubbling up to the svg element with an offset of 5s. The circle moves always along the grey line. The frozen position depends on the question, whether the grey line or the circle is started within 5s before the circle is started (again) or not. If the red fill of the circle gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no interactivity
KSVG1failno interactivity
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen value
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail bubbling ignored for end
Opera8.02/50/ 9beta1/2fail no animation/interactivity
Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail no bubbling
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00(ok) minor timing accuracy problem
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0failignores click for svg
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail ignores event

e2008-06-06-04: §IM(1)P
event bubbling: mouseover:
For the event mouseover bubbling is applicable. mouseover on the blue stroked circle (re)starts the animation for cx directly, for cy due to bubbling up to the parent g element. The animations are stopped due to bubbling up to the svg element with an offset of 5s. The circle moves always along the grey line. The frozen position depends on the question, whether the grey line or the circle is started within 5s before the circle is started (again) or not. If the red fill of the circle gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no interactivity
KSVG1failno interactivity
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen value
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail bubbling ignored for end
Opera8.02/50/ 9beta1/2fail no animation/interactivity
Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail no bubbling
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00(ok) minor timing accuracy problem
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0failwrong frozen value
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail ignores event

e2008-06-06-05: §IM(1)P
event bubbling: mouseout:
For the event mouseout bubbling is applicable. mouseout on the blue stroked circle (re)starts the animation for cx directly, for cy due to bubbling up to the parent g element. The animations are stopped due to bubbling up to the svg element with an offset of 5s. The circle moves always along the grey line. The frozen position depends on the question, whether the grey line or the circle is started within 5s before the circle is started (again) or not. If the red fill of the circle gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no interactivity
KSVG1failno interactivity
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen value
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail bubbling ignored for end
Opera8.02/50/ 9beta1/2fail no animation/interactivity
Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail no bubbling
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00(ok) minor timing accuracy problem
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0failignores event for svg
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail ignores event

e2008-06-06-06: §IM(1)P
event bubbling: mousemove:
For the event mousemove bubbling is applicable. mousemove on the blue stroked circle (re)starts the animation for cx directly, for cy due to bubbling up to the parent g element. The animations are stopped due to bubbling up to the svg element with an offset of 5s. The circle moves always along the grey line. The frozen position depends on the question, whether the grey line or the circle is started within 5s before the circle is started (again) or not. If the red fill of the circle gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no interactivity
KSVG1failno interactivity
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen value
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail bubbling ignored for end
Opera8.02/50/ 9beta1/2fail no animation/interactivity
Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail no bubbling
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail not all events bubble
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0failignores event for svg
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail ignores event

e2008-06-06-07: §IM(1)P
event bubbling: activate:
For the event activate bubbling is applicable. activate on the blue stroked circle (re)starts the animation for cx directly, for cy due to bubbling up to the parent g element. The animations are stopped due to bubbling up to the svg element with an offset of 5s. The circle moves always along the grey line. The frozen position depends on the question, whether the grey line or the circle is started within 5s before the circle is started (again) or not. If the red fill of the circle gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no interactivity
KSVG1failno interactivity
WebKit 528.16failattribute ignored
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail bubbling ignored for end
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/ 9beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail no animation/interactivity
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0failattribute ignored

e2008-06-08-01: §M(1)P
event bubbling: beginEvent:
For the event beginEvent bubbling is not applicable. The beginEvent of the stroke animation of the circle starts the animation for cx directly. If bubbling would be applicable, cy would start too, but without bubbling the cy animation does not start at all. The cx animations is repeated once. The circle moves always along the grey line. If the red fill of the circle gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail event ignored
KSVG1failevent ignored
WebKit 528.16failattribute ignored
Adobefail event ignored
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/ 9beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10failevent ignored
Opera9tp2/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00failcrashed/frozen
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0failconfused
Gecko 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2008-06-08-02: §M(1)P
event bubbling: endEvent:
For the event endEvent bubbling is not applicable. The endEvent of the stroke animation of the circle starts the animation for cx directly. If bubbling would be applicable, cy would start too, but without bubbling the cy animation does not start at all. The cx animations is repeated once. The circle moves always along the grey line. If the red fill of the circle gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail event ignored
KSVG1failevent ignored
WebKit 528.16failattribute ignored
Adobefail event ignored
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/ 9beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10failevent ignored
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00failbubbles
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0failconfused
Gecko 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2008-06-08-03: §M(1)P
event bubbling: repeatEvent:
For the event repeatEvent bubbling is not applicable. The repeatEvent of the stroke animation of the circle starts the animation for cx directly. If bubbling would be applicable, cy would start too, but without bubbling the cy animation does not start at all. The cx animations itself is repeated once, but because it depends on the repeated stroke animations the behaviour is slightly more complex. The circle moves always along the grey line. If the red fill of the circle gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail event ignored
KSVG1failevent ignored
WebKit 528.16failattribute ignored
Adobefail event ignored
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/ 9beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10failevent ignored
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00failbubbles
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0failconfused
Gecko 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

This is SVG or SVG basic, but not SVG tiny:
e2008-06-07-01: §IM(2)P
event bubbling: focusin:
For the event focusin bubbling is applicable. focusin the blue '+' (re)starts the animation for x directly, for y due to bubbling up to the parent tspan element. The animations are stopped due to bubbling up to the parent text element with an offset of 5s. The '+' moves always parallel along the grey line. The frozen position depends on the question, whether one of the glyphs is focussed within 5s before the '+' is focussed or not. Note, that only the position of the '+' is animated, the positions of the other two glyphs are explicitely set, they do not move at all.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no interactivity
KSVG1failno interactivity
WebKit 528.16failattribute ignored
Adobefail confused
Squiggle 1.7fail bubbling ignored for end
Opera8.02/50fail no tspan display
Opera9tp1/2/ 9beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail no animation/interactivity
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail ignores event

This is SVG or SVG basic, but not SVG tiny:
e2008-06-07-02: §IM(2)P
event bubbling: focusout:
For the event focusout bubbling is applicable. focusout the blue '+' (re)starts the animation for x directly, for y due to bubbling up to the parent tspan element. The animations are stopped due to bubbling up to the parent text element with an offset of 5s. The '+' moves always parallel along the grey line. The frozen position depends on the question, whether one of the glyphs is unfocussed within 5s before the '+' is unfocussed or not. Note, that only the position of the '+' is animated, the positions of the other two glyphs are explicitely set, they do not move at all.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no interactivity
KSVG1failno interactivity
WebKit 528.16failattribute ignored
Adobefail confused
Squiggle 1.7fail bubbling ignored for end
Opera8.02/50fail no tspan display
Opera9tp1/2/ 9beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail no animation/interactivity
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail ignores event

e2008-06-10-01: §IM(2)P
event bubbling: focusin:
For the event focusin bubbling is applicable. focusin on the blue stroked '+' (re)starts the animation for x directly, for y due to bubbling up to the parent g element. The animations are stopped due to bubbling up to the svg element with an offset of 5s. The '+' moves always parallel along the grey line. The frozen position depends on the question, whether the grey line or the '+' is started within 5s before the '+' is started (again) or not.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no interactivity
KSVG1failno interactivity
WebKit 528.16failattribute ignored
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail bubbling ignored for end
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/ 9beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail no animation/interactivity
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail ignores event

e2008-06-10-02: §IM(2)P
event bubbling: focusout:
For the event focusout bubbling is applicable. focusout on the blue stroked '+' (re)starts the animation for x directly, for y due to bubbling up to the parent g element. The animations are stopped due to bubbling up to the svg element with an offset of 5s. The '+' moves always parallel along the grey line. The frozen position depends on the question, whether the grey line or the '+' is started within 5s before the '+' is started (again) or not.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no interactivity
KSVG1failno interactivity
WebKit 528.16failattribute ignored
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail bubbling ignored for end
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/ 9beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail no animation/interactivity
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail ignores event

e2008-06-11-01: §IQ
event bubbling and use:
A simple IFS (iterated function system) fractal is used to test bubbling for reused, deeply cloned elements. Activation of one of the squares starts a scale animation and a fill animation for all of them.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no interactivity
KSVG1failno interactivity
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen value
Adobeokno animation/interactivity
Squiggle 1.7failno animation/interactivity
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/ 9beta1/2fail no animation/interactivity
Opera9tp2fail does not bubble
Opera9.00/9.10fail incomplete animation
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0failall clones independent
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0fail ignores event
Test results for event bubbling
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 0/13 0/15
KSVG1 0/13 0/15
WebKit 528.16 0/13 0/15
Adobe 9/13 9/15
Squiggle 1.7 3/13 3/15
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/ 9beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10 0/13 0/15
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00 6/13 6/15
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0 0/13 0/15
Gecko 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0 3/13 3/15


e2005-09-08-01: §IQ
restart values and click event:
With a click on one of the three circles, the user can try to restart its animation. This is not possible for the yellow one. The magenta circle animation is just restartable, if the animation is already finished at the right border. The animation of the light blue circle is always restartable.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno restart for all
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail restart for all at any time; Opera bug-178257
Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0ok -
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail ignores event

e2005-10-20-01: §IQ
begin and end with one click:
With a click on a circle, its animation is started. With another click it is stopped. This works, because restart is set to never for the magenta and whenNotActive for the light blue.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno restart for all
WebKit 528.16failjumps only to the final value
Adobefail whenNotActive ignored
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail restart for all at any time; Opera bug-178257
Opera9tp1fail no stop with the second click
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10fail the top circle just jumps with a click to the initial value of the animation, the bottom one does not stop after the first click with another
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60fail the circles just jumps to the final (or initial) value with a click
Opera12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0fail whenNotActive ignored
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail ignores event

e2005-10-20-02: §IQ
retarded restart:
The animation can be restarted with a click on the circle more than 5s after the animation is stopped (marked with a blue stroke in the first turn). This is done with a restart whenNotActive and a click event with a negative offset. Because of the negative offset, only the second half of the animation is visible with a restart. But this is the same animation as seen before, because the initial animation had a negative offset, too.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failnegative offset ignored, no restart
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefail no animation
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50fail restart at any time; Opera bug-178257, Opera crashes at restart or a little bit later
Opera9tp1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0ok -
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail ignores event

e2005-10-20-03: §IQ
retarded restart:
The animation can be restarted with a click on the circle more than 5s after the animation is stopped (marked with a blue stroke). This is done with a restart whenNotActive and the min attribute. If something red gets visible for a limited time, this is an indication, that min is interpreted wrong.

In the SMIL animation recommendation it is mentioned:
'The min attribute does not prevent an element from restarting before the minimum active duration is reached.'
Discussion: Is this applicable here? min gives the lower bound for the active duration. In this case, this means, the active duration is corrected to the value of the min attribute. The restart attribute whenNotActive means, the animation cannot be restarted, when it is active. In this case, it is not the min attribute preventing from restart, it is the value of the restart attribute. Therefore the meaning of the cited sentence is, it is in general possible to restart the animation before reaching the value of min, if this is not prevented by the restart attribute. min is not responsible for the prevention, but the restart attribute is as in situations without the min attribute.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno restart
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefail ignores min attribute
Squiggle 1.7failwrong frozen value
Opera8.02/50fail restart at any time; Opera bug-178257
Opera9tp1failignores min attribute
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10failwrong interpretation of the min attribute, repeats animation
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00failwrong frozen value
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0failwrong interpretation of the min attribute
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail ignores event
Gecko 60.0ok -

e2007-06-23-01: §IQ
Interactive restart and end for animations:
The document contains six subtests with different behaviour. They have cyan areas to activate or to mouseup to try to start the animation of a polyline. The top subtests have red areas too to try to stop the animation with the event activate or mouseup. All animations have an end attribute with the value 60s, therefore no animation can be started or restarted after 60s anymore. This is indicated with a change of the areas to gray. The dur values for the animations is 5s, the repeatDur value is 10s.
The tests on the left can be restarted always on the middle whenNotActive and on the right never.

Behaviour to be tested:

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation or interaction
WebKit 528.16fail discrete animation, end at 60s ignored
Adobefail end at 60s ignored
Squiggle 1.7fail not all activations work, end at 60s ignored for top left and top middle animation
Opera8.02/50fail no animation or interaction
Opera9tp1fail end ignored
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10fail no end if restart is whenNotActive and end at 60s ignored
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail end at 60s ignored for top left and top middle animation
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0fail end at 60s ignored for top left and top middle animation
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail ignores event

e2008-03-08-01: §M(1)P
begin list and restart:
The animation of cy of a circle with a duration of 4s is started with a begin list at 1s and 5s with a restart whenNotActive. Due to the end exclusive SMIL timing model the first turn is not active at 5s and therefore the second begin can be started.
An animation of the cx gives the timing, the resulting motion is indicated by a grey path covering the red fill of the circle. If the circle does not move along the path or the red center gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1fail wrong timing
Opera9tp2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2008-03-08-02: §M(1)P
begin list and restart:
The animation of cy of a circle with a duration of 6s is started with a begin list at 1s and 5s with a restart whenNotActive. Because the first turn is still active at 5s the second begin cannot be started and is ignored.
An animation of the cx gives the timing, the resulting motion is indicated by a grey path covering the red fill of the circle. If the circle does not move along the path or the red center gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefail freezes plugin and browser
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2008-03-08-03: §M(1)P
begin list and restart:
The animation of cy of some circles with a duration of 3s is started with a begin list at 1s and some more, each of them 2s later than the begin before. The attributes accumulate or additive are set to sum, but this is not relevant for a restart.
An animation of the cx gives the timing, the resulting motion is indicated by grey paths covering the red fill of the circles. If the circles do not move along the paths or the red center gets visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16(ok) minor timing problems
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail to animation wrong
Opera8.02/50fail no restart
Opera9tp1fail minor accuracy problems
Opera9tp2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10ok -
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail wrong animations
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2011-01-11-01: §M(1)P
multiple restart with syncbase:
A dark blue circle on the left is used as a syncbase for the animation of the blue circle. The animation restarts multiple times. A gray line indicates the trajectory of the blue circle.
If something red appears, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16fail wrong frozen value
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail first turn wrong
Opera8.02/50fail crash with end
Opera9tp1/tp2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10fail events ignored
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok .
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2011-01-12-01: §IM(1)P
multiple restart with syncbase:
The animation can be started (always) with the green button and stopped with the orange button. Test this multiple times, at different times within or outside active duration.
A gray line indicates the trajectory of the blue circle.
If something red appears, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16fail wrong frozen value
Adobefail sometimes events ignored
Squiggle 1.7fail no animation
Opera8.02/50fail crash with end
Opera9tp1fail no end
Opera9tp2/beta1/2fail no animation
Opera9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail some events ignored
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0ok -
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail ignores events
Test results for restart
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 0/10 0/10
KSVG1 0/10 0/10
WebKit 528.16 6/10 6/10
Adobe 4/10 4/10
Squiggle 1.7 5/10 5/10
Opera8.02/50 1/10 1/10
Opera9tp1 3/10 3/10
Opera9tp2 5/10 5/10
Opera9beta1/2 * 3/10 3/10
Opera9.00/9.10 5/10 5/10
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60 5/10 5/10
Opera12,00 6/10 6/10
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0 7/10 7/10
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0 4/10 4/10
Gecko 60.0 8/10 8/10

* Opera9 beta1/2 ignore events completely.


e2005-09-08-03: §M(2)P
repeatCount values:
cx of an ellipse is animated from 300 to 700 with a duration of 14s and a repeatCount of 1.
cy of an ellipse is animated from 300 to 700 with a duration of 12s and a repeatCount of 2.
rx of an ellipse is animated from 50 to 300 with a duration of 10s and a repeatCount of 3.
ry of an ellipse is animated from 50 to 300 with a duration of 8s and a repeatCount of 4.
Initial and final shapes for the repeats are given in gray for comparison.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno repetition
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-09-08-04: §M(2)P
repeatCount values:
cx of an ellipse is animated from 300 to 700 with a duration of 20s and a repeatCount of 1.25.
cy of an ellipse is animated from 300 to 700 with a duration of 10s and a repeatCount of 2.5.
rx of an ellipse is animated from 50 to 300 with a duration of 5s and a repeatCount of 5.
ry of an ellipse is animated from 50 to 300 with a duration of 4s and a repeatCount of 6.25.
This means, all animations end exactly after 25s.
Initial and final shape are given in gray for comparison.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno repetition
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-09-08-05: §QU
repeatCount values:
Animations with indefinite repeatCount:
cx of an ellipse is animated from 300 to 700 with a duration of 10.2314s.
cy of an ellipse is animated from 300 to 700 with a duration of 11.5629s.
rx of an ellipse is animated from 50 to 300 with a duration of 8.0021s.
ry of an ellipse is animated from 50 to 300 with a duration of 12.2031s.
fill is animated over several values with a duration of 15.7691s.
stroke is animated over several values with a duration of 16.0041s.
stroke-width is animated over several values with a duration of 10.1034s.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno repetition
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen value
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0failno animateColor
Test results for repeatCount
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 0/3 0/3
KSVG1 0/3 0/3
WebKit 528.16 2/3 2/3
Adobe 3/3 3/3
Squiggle 1.7 3/3 3/3
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00 3/3 3/3
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0 2/3 2/3


e2005-09-08-06: §M(2)P
repeatDur values:
cx of an ellipse is animated from 300 to 700 with a duration of 14s and a repeatDur of 28s.
cy of an ellipse is animated from 300 to 700 with a duration of 12s and a repeatDur of 26s.
rx of an ellipse is animated from 50 to 300 with a duration of 10s and a repeatDur of 24s.
ry of an ellipse is animated from 50 to 300 with a duration of 8s and a repeatDur of 22s.
Shapes for 0s, 22s, 24s, 26s and 28s are given in gray for comparison.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno repetition
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen value
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-09-08-07: §M(2)P
repeatDur values:
cx of an ellipse is animated from 300 to 700 with a duration of 20s and a repeatDur of 25.3451s.
cy of an ellipse is animated from 300 to 700 with a duration of 10s and a repeatDur of 25.3451s.
rx of an ellipse is animated from 50 to 300 with a duration of 5s and a repeatDur of 25.3451s.
ry of an ellipse is animated from 50 to 300 with a duration of 4s and a repeatDur of 25.3451s.
This means, all animations end exactly after 25.3451s. Initial and final shape are given in gray for comparison.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno repetition
WebKit 528.16failwrong frozen value
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-09-08-08: §QU
repeatDur values:
Animations with indefinite repeatDur: cx of an ellipse is animated from 300 to 700 with a duration of 10.2314s.
cy of an ellipse is animated from 300 to 700 with a duration of 11.5629s.
rx of an ellipse is animated from 50 to 300 with a duration of 8.0021s.
ry of an ellipse is animated from 50 to 300 with a duration of 12.2031s.
fill is animated over several values with a duration of 15.7691s.
stroke is animated over several values with a duration of 16.0041s.
stroke-width is animated over several values with a duration of 10.1034s.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno repetition
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0failno animateColor

e2008-06-05-01: §M(1)P
repeatDur and repeatCount:
Animations with both repeatCount and repeatDur specified are tested. For authors this is not recommended, but the behaviour is defined - the shorter time is used to determine the active duration. A red comparison is covered by the blue test completely, if the timing is correct. Red indicates an error.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno repetition / incomplete animation
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7ok -
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -
Test results for repeatDur
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 0/4 0/4
KSVG1 0/4 0/4
WebKit 528.162/4 2/4
Adobe 4/4 4/4
Squiggle 1.7 4/4 4/4
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00 4/4 4/4
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.03/4 3/4


e2005-09-08-09: §IP
animate attribute fill:
The animation of the magenta circle is frozen with the end value of the animation. The animation of the light blue circle is removed to the begin value of the animation at the end of the animation. The animations end after 30s or after a click on the circles.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failno stop with click, but fill result ok
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail wrong frozen value for magenta after click
Opera8.02/50fail crashes browser with click, but fill result ok if not combined with end-event.
Opera9tp1/ beta1/2fail ignores click event, but fill result ok if not combined with end-event.
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60ok -
Opera12,00failremove ignored
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0ok -
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail ignores events

e2005-11-05-01: §M(1)P
animate attribute fill:
cx and cy of a circle are animated from small to large in 10s. For cx a second animation is applied after 3s for 4s from medium to small with a fill value of freeze. This means for the overall animation a constant small cx for the last 3s. A gray path shows the correct trajectory of the circle. If the red center of the circle becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failone animation ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail circle vanishes for the last 3s
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-11-05-02: §M(1)P
animate attribute fill:
cx and cy of a circle are discrete animated from small to large in 10s. For cx a second animation is applied after 3s for 4s from medium to small with a fill value of freeze. This means for the overall animation a constant small cx for the last 3s. A gray path shows the correct trajectory of the circle. If the red center of the circle becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failone animation ignored
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail wrong animation for the last 3s
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Opera9tp1fail wrong timing of discrete animation
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-11-05-03: §M(1)P
animate attribute fill:
cx and cy of a circle are animated from small to large in 10s. For cx a second animation is applied after 3s for 4s from medium to small with a fill value of freeze. This animation uses end after 7.001s to finish, the dur is given as 7s with additional not visible values. This means for the overall animation a constant small cx for the last 3s. A gray path shows the correct trajectory of the circle.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failone animation ignored
WebKit 528.16fail wrong animation for the last 3s
Squiggle 1.7fail wrong animation for the last 3s
Opera8.02/50/ Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Opera9tp1fail wrong timing of discrete animation
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-11-05-04: §M(1)P
animate attribute fill:
cx and cy of a circle are animated from small to large in 10s. There is an underlying not visible additional animation for cx from large to small. For this and the cy animation the repeatDur is 20s, for the higher priority animation of cx it is 15s with freeze. A light gray path shows the correct trajectory of the circle for the first run, the dark shows it for the second. If the red center of the circle becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failone animation ignored
WebKit 528.16fail wrong frozen value
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7fail wrong animation at the end
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2008-10-02-01: §M(1)P
animate attribute fill:
cx and cy of a circle are animated in 10s, cx with fill freeze and remove. This sample tests especially the behaviour at the end of the simple duration with a still active lower priority animation. A gray path shows the correct trajectory of the circle. If the red center of the circle becomes visible, an error is occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1failno animation
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobeok -
Squiggle 1.7failwrong animation
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1/2/beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok -
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -
Test results for fill
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 0/6 0/6
KSVG1 0/6 0/6
WebKit 528.16 4/6 4/6
Adobe 5/6 5/6
Squiggle 1.7 0/6 0/6
Opera8.02/50 4/6 4/6
Opera9tp1 3/6 3/6
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60 6/6 6/6
Opera9 beta1/2/ 12,00 5/6 5/6
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0 6/6 6/6
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0 5/6 5/6

min and max

The influence of min and max is a little bit more sophisticated, therefore it is useful to look a little bit closer to the SVG and SMIL specification to understand the behaviour.
While the end-attribute can constrain the active duration of an animation, but not extend, the attributes min and max give more control over the active duration of an animation. min gives the lower bound for the active duration of an animation and max an upper bound.
If the active duration is shorter than min, the element is in the time between end and min in the state given by the fill attribute, but is still defined as active. If the active duration is longer than max, the animation is constrained to max as the end of the active duration. This corrected end-event can have influence on other events in the document, too, if the end of active duration is not between min and max.
For example if another animation refers to the end of this animation (id=a1) having min or max attributes with a1.end, this will see the corrected values for this event.
If the animation has a negative begin value, min is calculated from this value and not from the SVGload event, which starts the visible effects of the animation.
For example, min and max may be useful in combination with interactivity. If the user does not start or stop something between min and max, this can be triggered automatically with animations, which have min or max attributes.

e2005-09-09-01: §M(2)P
animate attribute min:
The color of a triangle is animated from dark blue to light blue in 5s, but the min is 10s. This means after 5s the color is frozen to light blue, but the animation is still active for another 5s. The end of the color animation triggers a set animation of the color to blue for 5s. The stroke has the same color animation but with simple clock values for begin and no min. A difference in the colors of stroke and fill indicates an error.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51fail no animation
Amaya11.3.1fail wrong animation
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefailignores attribute
Squiggle 1.7failwrong frozen value
Opera8.02/50failignores attribute
Opera9tp1failignores attribute
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10failrepeats animation instead to freeze it until the reach of min
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok-
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0failignored
Gecko 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-09-09-02: §M(1)PX
animate attribute min:
A square is rotated within 10s. It is restarted at the end of this animation. The active duration is extended with min to 15s. This means, the rotation will stop after one turn for 5s and is then repeated. Note that the repetition bases on a recursive call - this is not described in the SMIL animation recommendation, user agents can ignore this and can stop without repetition. Either the user agent repeats or not. In both cases the square will cover the red square completely for 15s. If the user agent repeats, the red square will never get visible, if not, only a gray square will continue moving and the blue one is frozen. If something red gets visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail wrong animation
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16ok (interpretes the recursion)
Adobefailignores attribute
Squiggle 1.7ok(interpretes the recursion)
Opera8.02/50failcrashes browser
Opera9tp1failno repetition, ignores attribute
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10failrepeats all the time
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok(interpretes the recursion)
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0failignored
Gecko 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2005-09-09-03: §IM(1)P
animate attribute min:
A square is rotated within 10s. It is restarted with a click on the rectangle. The active duration is extended with min to 20s. This means, the earliest time, the animation can be started is 20s, indicated with a change of the colour of the rectangle. The effect is, if the stroke of the rectangle is blue, the animation can be restarted, if it is gray, it cannot be restarted (clicking in a time with gray stroke will confuse the marking with the stroke colour until the next begin of the animation). If something red gets visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail wrong animation
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16fail stroke not animated
Adobefailignores attribute
Squiggle 1.7failtest almost ok, but wrong error messages due to single values animation
Opera8.02/50failignores attribute
Opera9tp1failignores attribute
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10failTiming ok, but does not freeze animation after dur. beta1/2not interactive.
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok-
Opera12,00failsome events ignored
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0failignored
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0failno interactivity
Gecko 60.0ok -

e2006-02-20-11: §M(1)P
animate attribute min:
Simple from to animations for cx and cy of a circle are used with min attributes and correlated with syncbase values. The gray path gives the correct trajectory. If something red becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail wrong animation
KSVG1failignores attribute
WebKit 528.16fail one wrong frozen value
Adobefailignores attribute
Squiggle 1.7failtest stopped by wrong error messages due to single values animation
Opera8.02/50failignores attribute
Opera9tp1failignores attribute
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10failrepeats until min is reached
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok-
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0failignored
Gecko 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2006-08-10-01: §M(1)P
animate attribute min:
Simple from to animations for cx and cy of a circle are used with dur, end and min attributes and correlated with syncbase values. The gray path gives the correct trajectory. If something red becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail wrong animation
KSVG1failignores attribute
WebKit 528.16fail one wrong frozen value
Adobefailignores attribute
Squiggle 1.7failtest stopped by wrong error messages due to single values animation
Opera8.02/50failignores attribute
Opera9tp1/2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10failwrong animation
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok-
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0failignored
Gecko 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok -

e2006-02-20-12: §M(1)P
animate attribute max:
Simple from to animations for cx and cy of a circle are stopped with max attributes. The gray path gives the correct trajectory. If the red center of the circle becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores attribute
WebKit 528.16fail circle vanishes finally
Adobefailignores attribute
Squiggle 1.7ok-
Opera8.02/50failignores attribute
Opera9tp1failignores attribute
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok-
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok-

e2006-08-11-01: §M(1)P
animate attribute max:
Simple from to animations for cx and cy of a circle are stopped with max attributes (overwrites dur and syncbase values for end). The gray path gives the correct trajectory. If the red center of the circle becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores attributes
WebKit 528.16fail circle vanishes finally
Adobefailignores attributes
Squiggle 1.7ok-
Opera8.02/50failignores attributes, crashes after wild oscillations
Opera9tp1failignores attributes
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok-
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok-

e2006-08-11-02: §IM(1)P
animate attribute max:
Simple from to animations for cx and cy of a circle are stopped with max attributes (overwrites dur and event based end). Start the animation with a click on the circle. The gray path gives the correct trajectory. If the red center of the circle becomes visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores attributes, no interactivity
WebKit 528.16fail circle vanishes finally
Adobefailignores attributes
Squiggle 1.7ok-
Opera8.02/50failignores attributes
Opera9tp1failignores attributes
Opera9 beta1/2failno interactivity
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok-
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0ok-
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail ignores event

e2005-09-09-04: §M(1)P
animate attribute max:
The display of a triangle is set to none with a begin of 3s and a remove fill. max is set to 4s. After an active duration of 4s the display will be removed to inline, the initial value of display. For this example the max value has the same effect as a duration of 4s. If a red circle is getting visible, an error occurred.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1fail no animation
KSVG1failignores attribute
WebKit 528.16fail triangle vanishes for a few seconds
Adobefailignores attribute
Squiggle 1.7ok-
Opera8.02/50failignores attribute
Opera9tp1failignores attribute
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10/ 9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok-
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok-

e2005-09-09-05: §P
animate attributes min and max:
With min respectively max the active duration for the blue and the yellow circle is set to 20s deviating from the values of the dur attribute. If the stroke is set to gray, this indicates the end of the visible animation of the object. At the end of the active duration of the animation the colour of one of the small circles should be set to the same colour as the finished animated circle. An additional circle is set to a dark green colour after 20s.
Because of the adequate set of min and max attributes all three small circles should change their colour after 20s independently of the visible duration of animation of the big circles.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1failwrong animation
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16fail wrong frozen values
Adobefailignores attribute
Squiggle 1.7ok-
Opera8.02/50failignores attribute
Opera9tp1failignores attribute
Opera9tp2/ beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10failtiming ok, but animation with min not frozen (fill is set to freeze) after end of dur, rotates further
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok-
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0failignores min
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0/ 60.0ok-

e2005-09-09-06: §IP
animate attributes min and max:
The begin of the rotation of the blue circle around the large magenta circle is triggered by the end of the colour-set of the large circle. This will end with a click on the large circle. With min the minimum active duration is set to 10s and with max the maximum active duration to 30s.
This means, if the circle is clicked earlier than 10s the animation of the blue circle will start at 10s. If the circle is clicked later than 30s or never, anyway the animation of the blue circle will start after 30s.
Just as a time control two small gray circles will do the same animation as the blue one, these are starting at 10s and 30s. Additionally the colour of the large circle will switch to dark magenta, when its set animation ends.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1failwrong animation
KSVG1failno animation
WebKit 528.16ok -
Adobefailignores attribute
Squiggle 1.7failignores min?
Opera8.02/50failignores attribute, click crashes browser
Opera9tp1failno animation of the blue circle, ignores attribute
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10failstarts always with max
Opera9 beta1/2failclick ignored
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00fail(re)starts additionally with max
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0fail min ignored
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail ignores event
Gecko 60.0ok -

e2005-09-09-06: §IP
animate attributes min and max:
The height of an rectangle can be enlarged with a click on the start button and this can be stopped with the stop button. It starts 1s after the click on the start button. The duration is 40s, min is 20s, max is 30s with the related size of the rectangle marked in gray. This means: 1. The animation can be started or restarted always with a click on the start button because this is not prevented in the document. 2. If the animation is started and not restarted earlier as it ends somewhere between the min and the max value. 3. If the stop button is clicked after the animation reached the max value or never, the animation has already stopped at the max value and nothing more happens. 4. If the stop button is clicked between min and max the animation stops immediately. 5. If the stop button is clicked before the animation reaches the min value, the animation continues and is stopped at the min value.

Test results
W3C-ValidatorokSVG tiny 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1failwrong animation
KSVG1failstarts immediately, ignores max and end event
WebKit 528.16fail wrong frozen value
Adobefailignores attributes
Squiggle 1.7failignores min, wrong frozen value with stop before max
Opera8.02/50failstop click crashes browser, ignores attribute
Opera9tp1failstart event not relyable, stop ignored, ignores attributes
Opera9tp2failmin ignored
Opera9 beta1/2/ 9.00/9.10failclick ignored
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60/ 12,00ok-
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0/ 60.0ok-
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0/ 36.0/ 48.0fail ignores event
Test results for min and max
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51/ 11.3.1 0/12 0/12
KSVG1 0/12 0/12
WebKit 528.16 3/12 3/12
Adobe 0/12 0/12
Squiggle 1.7 6/12 6/12
Opera8.02/50/ 9tp1 0/12 0/12
Opera9 beta1/2 3/12 3/12
Opera9tp2/ 9.00/9.10 4/12 4/12
Opera9.50 alpha/beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0/ 10.60/ 11.00/11.60 11/12 11/12
Opera12,00 10/12 10/12
Gecko 2.0/ 8.0 5/12 5/12
Gecko 12.0/ 24.0 4/12 4/12
Gecko 36.0/ 48.0 8/12 8/12
Gecko 60.0 12/12 12/12
Test results for Timing
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
user-agentSVG tiny 1.1SVG 1.1
Amaya9.51 7/173 7/176
Amaya11.3.1 8/173 8/176
KSVG1 9/173 9/176
WebKit 528.16 61/173 62/176
Adobe 80/173 81/176
Squiggle 1.7 90/173 91/176
Opera8.02/50 44/173 45/176
Opera9tp1 53/173 53/176
Opera9tp2 82/173 83/176
Opera9 beta1/2 61/173 62/176
Opera9.00/9.10 83/173 84/176
Opera9.50 alpha 109/173 110/176
Opera9.50 beta/ 9.52/10.0 alpha/beta/ 10.0 110/173 111/176
Opera10.60/ 11.00 111/173 112/176
Opera11.60 114/173 115/176
Opera12,00 106/173 107/176
Gecko 2.0 53/173 53/176
Gecko 8.0 56/173 56/176
Gecko 12.0 43/173 43/176
Gecko 24.0 42/173 42/176
Gecko 36.0/ 48.0 46/173 46/176
Gecko 60.0 63/173 63/176